Energy Efficiency
The ultimate dream of electric aviation is electric power. A decade ago the idea of electric aircraft was science fiction. But advances in battery technology have made the dream seem much closer. EasyJet has set a target to power an airplane 200 to 400 miles on a single charge. There is still a long way to go before larger aircraft could be electric. The "magic number" where long-distance flight can become viable is cited at 1,000 Wh/kg of battery weight whereas existing batteries are in the range of 270-300Wh/kg. The range of the Alice is estimated at 650 miles at at 275mph. Interestingly enough the projected operating costs are low enough that the cost to passengers could be reduced by 30-60% compared to a conventional aircraft, savings being made in fuel and maintenance, says Bonny Simi, says Simi. Back to MailOnline.com. To fly in a Tesla S stores 85kb.
Read Full articlePDS Industry and Energy Supply 2018 (ENG)
This document provides essential information about the protocols requirements, best practices, quality management tasks. The ICP Project Development Specification (PDS) is designed for project specialists, third-party Quality Assurance Assessors, and investors to ensure that projects are developed.
Read Full Business PracticeOptimizing Electrical Motor Efficiency: Get More Bang for Your Buck
Electrical motors are devices that convert electrical energy into mechanical force. They operate on the principles of electromagnetism, using the interaction between winding currents and magnetic fields. Some motors, like those used in the transportation industry can reverse the effect and generate.
Read Full articleGlass Industry: 16 Emerging Technologies for Energy-efficiency and GHG Emissions Reduction
Glass production is a highly energy-intensive industrial process. The container and flat glass industries emit over 60 million tonne of CO2 emissions per year. Ongoing glass consumption and production will drive significant growth in the industrys absolute energy use and GH.
Read Full articleUtilities and Governments are Wasting Millions of Dollars Subsidizing A Wrong Technology for Motor Systems Efficiency
Industrial electric motor systems account for over 70% of total global industrial electricity usage. Electric motors operate fans; pumps; and materials-handling, compressed-air, and processing equipment. There is a need to shift the paradigm to focus on systems.
Read Full articleFarewell to Traditional Compressor-Based Refrigeration?
ULT freezers with a compressor-based cascade refrigeration system can use as much energy as a typical U.S. household annually. C Cascade systems use synthetic refrigerants which cause ozone depletion. A Stirling cooling system uses 60% less energy.
Read Full articleThe benefit of compressed air systems becoming smart - a Boge example
The BOGE continuous improvement programme (CIP) is already a reality today. It reduces the loss of efficiency in a compressor due to wear and tear in operation. This can only be achieved through regular maintenance carried out by specialists. The.
Read Full articleAluminum Industry: 10 Emerging Technologies for Energy-efficiency and GHG Emissions Reduction
Aluminum production accounts for about 1% of global GHG emissions. Annual world aluminum demand is expected to increase two- to three-fold by 2050. The bulk of growth in consumption of aluminum will take place in China, India, the Middle East.
Read Full articleOur Applications Laboratory – The Gold Standard
Our Applications Laboratory is where we solve our customers most challenging heating applications. Dr. Girish Dahake, Sr. Vice President of Global Applications, leads a worldwide team of elite engineers. We have locations in the United States, United Kingdom and The Netherlands.
Read Full Business PracticeThe technical potential of large and industrial heat pumps
Heat pumps are considered large if they exceed capacities of 100kW. They can easily reach the one to several megawatt range with the largest units providing 35MW in a single machine. Currently available heat pump technology can provide heat up to 100°.
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