Finance & Economics

District Energy: We need your technical expertise - help us “unlock” access to financing

The Investor Confidence Project was brought to Europe to develop a system to give confidence to all stakeholders. ICP Europe is now looking for more experts to join this Technical Forum for district energy. The protocol defines a standardised road map of best practices for originating energy savings following the ICP Project Lifecycle. It enables standardised project performance underwriting, leading to better data on performance. And a more efficient marketplace with less duplicative engineering and lower transaction costs. We invite all stakeholders to join the open kick-off webinar on Tuesday, 16 January from 10-11 AM CET (registration link here) where the draft will be presented. You can also register for the Technical Forum to ensure you are not missing any information relevant for your organisation or business and to influence the development process. The project does is standardise the procedures so that all stakeholders (owners, project developers and investors gain confidence in the system. All stakeholders gain from this post.

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Raising the priority for industrial energy efficiency
Finance & Economics

Raising the priority for industrial energy efficiency

Industry has been experimenting with how to unlock the potential of industry. But it has largely left it to the Emissions Trading Scheme. Eceee industrial efficiency 2018 offers a mix of formal presentations and informal events as well as great networking. Indust.

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Street Lighting: help us unlock access to financing - we need your technical knowledge
Finance & Economics

Street Lighting: help us unlock access to financing - we need your technical knowledge

Investor Confidence Project was brought to Europe to give confidence to all stakeholders. There are still concerns that investing in energy efficiency is risky. ICP Europe will soon convene a Technical Forum for street lighting. We need your technical knowledge to help.

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Standards for industrial energy efficiency projects - the importance of technical integrity
Finance & Economics

Standards for industrial energy efficiency projects - the importance of technical integrity

The Investor Confidence Project was brought to Europe to develop a system to give confidence to all active stakeholders. ICP Europe has now broadened the scope to include industry (large and small), district energy and street lighting. The Technical Forum is now providing.

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Industry at crossroads - reflections from EEFIG industry event
Finance & Economics

Industry at crossroads - reflections from EEFIG industry event

European Commission Directorate-General for Energy and United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (EEFIG) held an event in Brussels this week. The event was hosted by the Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group. For the more than 70 participants, the half-day.

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New recording of energy performance contracts (EPCs) in government accounts
Finance & Economics

New recording of energy performance contracts (EPCs) in government accounts

Eurostat published new guidance on recording of energy performance contracts in government accounts. This could have a big impact on investments in energy efficiency in the public sector. EPC projects may also include additional services related to efficient energy supply. The Investor Confidence.

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Roundtable on Financing Industrial Energy Efficiency, October 19th
Finance & Economics

Roundtable on Financing Industrial Energy Efficiency, October 19th

The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) is taking up much of the policy discussions relating to industrial energy efficiency. EEFIG identified many of the barriers to the long-term financing for energy efficiency and proposed policy recommendations and market solutions to them.

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Finance & Economics

ICP Presentation 2019 (AT)

Das Investor Confidence Project Europe eröffnet den Zugang zu Finanzierungen für den Gebäude-, Industrie-, Energie- und Straßenbeleuchtungsmarkt. F.

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ICP Presentation 2019 (AT)

Finance & Economics

Protocol: Targeted Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (GER)

ICP-Protokolle standardisieren die Art und Weise, wie Energieeffizienzprojekte entwickelt. Dieses ZIEL-Industrieprotokoll ist f.

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Protocol: Targeted Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (GER)

ICP: Top 2 benefits for energy efficiency project developers
Finance & Economics

ICP: Top 2 benefits for energy efficiency project developers

ICP (Investor Confidence Project Europe) delivers a standardised framework for developing energy efficiency projects to reduce uncertainty for clients and investors - to help grow the number of projects and the energy efficiency finance market. Frameworks already exists for buildings and are now.

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