Finance & Economics

Four reasons why financial institutions should be active in energy efficiency

The EEFIG Underwriting Toolkit aims to equip financing institutions to better value and assess the risks of energy efficiency projects. There are four reasons why financial institutions should consider deploying capital into energy efficiency. In 2015 global investment in energy efficiency was USD 221 billion with approximately USD 32 billion being financed through explicit energy efficiency mechanisms such as Energy Performance Contracts or green bonds. To achieve our climate goals this level of investment needs to grow to circa USD 1 trillion per annum by 2050 and the provision of finance can help overcome some of the barriers to energy efficiency investment. Reducing risks in two ways: increasing energy efficiency improves the and reducing risk of financing assets that become stranded as energy efficiency regulations are tightened. The US, EU and China represent nearly 70% of the total investment into efficiency can be split into core investments, where the motivation is focused on energy savings, where energy efficiency is based on energy efficiency loans, mortgages or other financial institutions can reduce the overall cost to the host is an important way of overcoming some of.

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Finance & Economics

PDS Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (GER)

Diese ICP-Projektentwicklungs-Spezifikation stellt eine umfassende Ressource dar. Dieses Dokument enthält wesentliche.

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PDS Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (GER)

When Are Energy Audits a Waste of Money?
Finance & Economics

When Are Energy Audits a Waste of Money?

An energy audit was commissioned by the CFO several years earlier in an attempt to rein in rising energy costs. Scott Ringlein, CEO EAG of Michigan, reviewed the Project Financing Assessment as the most efficient way to begin the decision making process that leads.

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Finance & Economics

Blockchain and the Internet Of Energy

The vision of an internet of electricity is becoming a lot more real with the growing understanding and adoption of blockchain and cryptocurrency. This article gives an idea of the endless possibilities of this concept. It will always reward the most viable solution, which might in cases.

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Blockchain and the Internet Of Energy

Making existing lending processes drive energy efficiency
Finance & Economics

Making existing lending processes drive energy efficiency

Every working day loans, mortgages, leases and investments are made into new buildings, building refurbishments and modernisation as well as upgrade and replacement of industrial processes and production plants. Many cost-effectiveopportunities to improve energy efficiency are missed.

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2 non-legislative EU initiatives for industrial energy efficiency
Finance & Economics

2 non-legislative EU initiatives for industrial energy efficiency

The European Commission published its clean energy proposals late last year. There were no legislative proposals related to industry and little attention given to the sector overall. EFIG will be organising an event in October in Brussels on industrial energy efficiency. The Investor Confidence.

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Finance & Economics

Protocol: Targeted Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (POR)

Os protocolos do ICP estão padronizando a forma como os projetos de eficiência energética são desenvolvidos, documentados e medidos seguindo as melh.

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Protocol: Targeted Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (POR)

Finance & Economics

Protocol: Complex Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (POR)

Os protocolos do ICP estão padronizando a forma como os projetos de eficiência energética são desenvolvidos, documentados e medidos seguindo as melh.

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Protocol: Complex Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (POR)