Finance & Economics

C-level: New approach to safeguard energy efficiency investments

The European Commission wants the market to work more effective. The Investor Confidence Project for Industry, District Energy and Street Lighting is a two-year project. It identifies the barriers to the long-term financing for energy efficiency and proposes policy and market solutions to them. There is a lack of standardisation in project development and documentation and that is seen as a major barrier to increasing investment into energy efficiency. For management in industry, the protocols are fundamental to set the foundation of a strong relationship that is show in in the above process. ICP Protocols are an industry best practice of existing standards, practices, and practices, and. what is key now is the development of protocols that are used to establish a relationship between the consumer and the project developer (an ESCO, for example. The final stages of the first phase on buildings are now being completed. the project is shown below. and that is shown in in industry. at present.

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Finance & Economics

Protocol: Targeted Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (BUL)

ICP protocols are standardising the way energy efficiency projects are developed. Protocols are NOT interfering with the technical side of projects. The TARGETED industry protocol is intended for simple, commonly used technologies. Such technologies will usually have consistent and predictable.

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Protocol: Targeted Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (BUL)

Blockchain in the energy sector: Institutional disruption?
Finance & Economics

Blockchain in the energy sector: Institutional disruption?

Blockchain technology has yet to prove that it can meet the (very high) expectations. It is a distributed, digital peer-to-peer register, which stores every transaction between two connected agents in a ledger. To create sufficient security for a Bitcoin.

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Finance & Economics

PDS Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (BUL)

This document provides essential information about the protocols requirements, best practices, quality management tasks. The ICP Project Development Specification (PDS) is designed for project specialists, third-party Quality Assurance Assessors, and investors to ensure that projects are developed.

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PDS Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (BUL)

Industry, street lighting and district energy: Launch of new project to “unlock” access to financing
Finance & Economics

Industry, street lighting and district energy: Launch of new project to “unlock” access to financing

Investor Confidence Project was brought to Europe to develop a system to give confidence to all active stakeholders. The Commission realises that it needs to get the energy efficiency market working more effectively in all sectors. There is a lack of standardisation in project.

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Finance & Economics

Protocol: Complex Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (GRE)

ICP protocols are standardising the way energy efficiency projects are developed, documented and measured. Protocols are NOT interfering with the technical side of projects. ICP protocol is intended for installation of new technology types or capacities, including new utility generation technologies.

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Protocol: Complex Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (GRE)

Finance & Economics

Protocol: Targeted Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (GRE)

ICP protocols are standardising the way energy efficiency projects are developed. Protocols are NOT interfering with the technical side of projects. The TARGETED industry protocol is intended for simple, commonly used technologies. Such technologies will usually have consistent and predictable.

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Protocol: Targeted Industry & Energy Supply 2018 (GRE)

Launch at EUSEW 2017: Investors for energy efficiency in industry, district energy and street lighting
Finance & Economics

Launch at EUSEW 2017: Investors for energy efficiency in industry, district energy and street lighting

European Commissions clean energy package combines legislative and non-legislative initiatives. The package calls for a more ambitious energy savings target for 2030 that has more teeth in it. Investor Confidence Project (ICP) was brought to Europe to develop.

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Cleantech startups: German utilities bridging the valley of death?
Finance & Economics

Cleantech startups: German utilities bridging the valley of death?

In the period from 2006-2008 clean tech was one of the hot topics for venture capital funds. At the MIT Gaddy et al (2016) compared the data from clean tech with two other technology sectors: Software and Medical. From this data we.

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The G20 Energy Efficiency Forum and the Energy Efficiency Investment Toolkit
Finance & Economics

The G20 Energy Efficiency Forum and the Energy Efficiency Investment Toolkit

The G20 energy efficiency work has not got much attention but there are some good things happening. At the event the group, with 15 participating countries, launched its G20 Energy Efficiency Toolkit. The toolkit offers a perspective on scaling up energy efficiency.

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