How reusing waste heat can take aluminium one step closer to becoming a greener industry
Aluminium is one of the most recycled commodities in the world, but the processes involved in the production of this metal still leave a high environmental impact on the planet. New waste heat…
Read Full articleIndustrial heat: An emission free energy source
Heat is a form of energy that is all around us. There’s heat from the sun (solar thermal), and from the earth (geothermal), but for this post, I want to talk about industrial heat - heat that is a…
Read Full articleTurboden S.p.A.

Turboden, a Mitsubishi Heavy Industries company, is a global leader in the design, manufacture and service of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) turbogenerators, which harness heat to generate electric and thermal power from renewable sources (biomass, geothermal and solar energy) and waste heat from industrial processes, waste…
Utilize all the available energy — Heat recovery
Today, global industry consumes a vast amount of energy. The biggest challenge is that as much as half of it is wasted due to the inefficient and complicated recovery of low-grade energy. Heat in the…
Read Full article5 energy sources you have never thought of
Every day, surplus heat is released into the environment, contributing to global warming and wasting chances of clean energy generation. Opportunities to recover and reuse it can be found in places…
Read Full articleWaste heat: recovering a valuable renewable resource
The new heat recovery platform, EMB3Rs , can help industries find the best ways to re-use the waste heat energy that would normally be released to our environment. Here’s how it matches heat sources…
Read Full articleSmall systems, big benefits
How the heat pipe heat exchangers designed by ETEKINA partners are shaping the waste heat recovery systems of the future. In early February this year, the cost of carbon reached record highs with…
Read Full articleCreating a long-lasting platform to map the future of energy
As energy costs sky-rocket and industries struggle to survive, EMB3Rs can make a difference. Austria-based researchers reveal how the platform is set to help companies cost-effectively convert waste…
Read Full articleORC waste heat recovery in energy intensive industry
The paper describes the technical principles behind the ORC technology based waste heat recovery solution from DeVeTec - and illustrates its promises with short case studies from glass, chemical and steel industry. The combination of electricity production from waste heat with the capability to deliver heat to different users also in complex environments with changing waste head conditions…
Read Full Business PracticeRecycled factory heat benefits industries and the environment
Industrial processes account for more than a fourth of Europe’s primary energy consumption and produce a tremendous amount of heat. EU funded research is closing the circle with novel systems that…
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