The Economic Impact of AI on Energy Transition: Financial Institutions at the Forefront of a Green Revolution
The global shift towards sustainable energy sources is one of the defining challenges of our time. While renewable technologies like solar and wind power have made significant strides, their…
Leer Artigo completoGame Changer: How Energy Audits are Transforming Small Businesses
In an era of rising energy costs and increasing environmental concerns, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are discovering a powerful tool to boost their bottom line and reduce their carbon…
Leer Artigo completoCovenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place
A edição de 2021 do Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy efficiency finance market place é organizada conjuntamente pelas Direcções-Gerais da Energia e Acção Climática da Comissão Europeia e pela Agência de Execução para as Pequenas e Médias…
DetalhesSmart Energy Fest - EEIP in Chile @ Latin America conference
Smart Energy Fest é uma plataforma internacional de reuniões em torno da eficiência energética, do seu impacto no desenvolvimento sustentável e da construção colaborativa de novas oportunidades para o futuro. O Smart Energy Fest está aberto a…
DetalhesAn overview of the ESCO industry
The following is the text of my presentation made in Cairo on the 18th December 2023 at a UNIDO organised event presenting the results of a project on ESCO contracts completed by a consortium…
Leer Artigo completoAccelerating the Clean Energy Transition: An Updated Roadmap to Net Zero Emissions
The global energy landscape has undergone significant shifts since the International Energy Agency (IEA) published its landmark Net Zero by 2050 report in 2021. While energy-related CO2 emissions…
Leer Artigo completoHydrogen's Role in the Future of Clean Energy: Innovations and Opportunities
Current Landscape Hydrogen is at the forefront of global clean energy initiatives, particularly for its potential in hard-to-decarbonize sectors such as heavy industry, shipping, and aviation. As the…
Leer Artigo completoDistrict heating: balancing green energy with end-user needs
As district heating companies search for new sources of low-carbon energy to distribute to customers, they find themselves serving both energy supplier and end-user. What challenges does their…
Leer Artigo completoAnalysis of the Front National 2024 Program and Its Potential Impact on Financing the Energy Transition
Overview of Front National 2024 Program The Front National (now known as Rassemblement National, RN) 2024 program emphasizes national sovereignty, economic protectionism, and a cautious stance towards…
Leer Artigo completoThe RetroMeter project: using metered energy savings to make energy efficiency more investable
It is now becoming widely accepted that increasing the flow of investment into energy efficiency is essential for hitting climate targets, as well as addressing issues including fuel poverty and…
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