WHO WE ARE EEIP is a neutral, open and global business and policy platform for the energy transition. Founded in 2011, we are serving a 150.000 user network through our multi-channel platform. EEIP is…
Leer Artigo completoProcessos industriais que se tornam digitais
As melhores práticas de projectos financiados pela UE. Aprender com a experiência das indústrias na adaptação à transição digital: projectos RETROFEED, SHIP2FAIR, SOWHAT & ECOFACT. Um webinar recente…
Leer Artigo completoFrontend Developer EEIP
WHO WE ARE EEIP is a neutral, open and global business and policy platform for the energy transition. Founded in 2011, we are serving a 150.000 user network through our multi-channel platform. We are…
Leer Artigo completoEnergy Insights: The Secret Sauce for the Food and Beverage Industry
Harnessing Energy Management to Drive Profitability and Sustainability The food and beverage industry faces significant pressures from rising costs, intense competition, and increasing demands for…
Leer Artigo completoEmpowering Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Energy Transition: The DEESME Project
The global pursuit of sustainable practices has placed increasing emphasis on energy efficiency, with the European Union (EU) at the forefront of initiatives to reduce carbon emissions. However, the…
Leer Artigo completoWater & energy reuse: from waste to resource
Francesco Suman explains how Alufluor found novel ways to recover resources by partnering with an EU-funded project. Over the past years, EU industries and academics have increasingly collaborated to…
Leer Artigo completoSimplify Your Business Processes and Boost Efficiency with Ready-to-Use IoT Platforms
IoT (Internet of Things) technology has proven to be a game-changer for businesses over the years. From healthcare to agriculture, smart sensors, controllers, and other connected devices enable…
Leer Artigo completoInquérito aberto até 31 Dez: Barómetro de Eficiência Energética Industrial
Sabe qual é a sua posição? Barómetro de Eficiência Energética" que faz um balanço da posição dos sectores transformadores em matéria de eficiência energética Qual o grau de eficiência energética da…
Leer Artigo completoTop 10 EU Initiatives for Digitalizing the Energy System: Transforming Europe’s Energy Landscape
In response to the urgent need for a greener, more efficient energy system, the European Union has taken bold steps to digitalize its energy infrastructure. As Europe moves towards its ambitious 2030…
Leer Artigo completoTransforming Europe's Energy Grids for a Sustainable Future
1. The Vision: Connecting Europe's Energy Grids for the Future Europe is in the midst of a major energy transition, driven by the need to reduce carbon emissions and increase the use of renewable…
Leer Artigo completo