Turquia: Estratégia de eficiência energética industrial
A Turquia está a criar as bases para uma estratégia eficaz de eficiência energética industrial A eficiência energética é uma prioridade declarada tanto para as suas políticas energéticas como para as…
Leer Artigo completoEU Sustainable Energy Week 2019
Moldar o futuro energético da Europa Até 2050, o sector energético europeu deveria ter feito a transição da energia baseada em combustíveis fósseis para as energias renováveis para ser neutro em termos de carbono. Esta transição para energia limpa…
DetalhesEEIP Leads the Way in Transparent and Responsible AI Use
In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping industries and revolutionizing the way we work. At EEIP, we recognize the immense potential of AI to drive…
Leer Artigo completoTransforming the Grid: Electric Vehicles as Key Players in the Energy Landscape
Electric Vehicles and Their Synergy with the Grid The integration of electric vehicles (EVs) into the energy grid represents a pivotal shift towards more sustainable and efficient energy use. This…
Leer Artigo completoCatalytic Hydrogen Production: Pioneering Clean Energy with Methane Cracking
In the race to decarbonize the world’s energy systems, hydrogen stands out as one of the most promising fuels for a cleaner future. A significant part of this transformation is methane cracking, an…
Leer Artigo completoDecarbonising Industry: Stepping into the unknown?
Donald Rumsfeld, former US Secretary of Defense in the George W Bush administration is remembered for saying, “there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known…
Leer Artigo completoAumentar o fluxo de investimento em eficiência energética na indústria
A mais recente reunião do EEFIG centrou-se na indústria, um sector por vezes negligenciado em comparação com os edifícios. Resumi o trabalho sobre o EEFIG Underwriting Toolkit e aproveitei a…
Leer Artigo completoInnovative financial solutions to fight energy poverty
Social housing associations and EU projects are countering energy poverty with innovative financial schemes and “solidarity mechanisms”: “Buildings refurbishment benefits both the people and the…
Leer Artigo completoThe RetroMeter project: using metered energy savings to make energy efficiency more investable
It is now becoming widely accepted that increasing the flow of investment into energy efficiency is essential for hitting climate targets, as well as addressing issues including fuel poverty and…
Leer Artigo completoHydrogen's Role in the Future of Clean Energy: Innovations and Opportunities
Current Landscape Hydrogen is at the forefront of global clean energy initiatives, particularly for its potential in hard-to-decarbonize sectors such as heavy industry, shipping, and aviation. As the…
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