Finance & Economics

Cleantech startups: German utilities bridging the valley of death?

In the period from 2006-2008 clean tech was one of the hot topics for venture capital funds. At the MIT Gaddy et al (2016) compared the data from clean tech with two other technology sectors: Software and Medical. In 2010, Google acquired Nest, which is the only reason why the IRR in 2010 for cleantech is above -25%. The first two reasons can explain why clean tech underperforms compared to software startups and why most startups outside the clean tech sector are focusing on digital products or services. High investment costs for RandD and production are required for the medical sector as well Least active utilities actually come from Europe, with two German utilities (E.on and RWE) being among the top 5. The analysis in this paper comes down to this: RES in Germany reduces the average price (-50% between 2008 and 2014) for electricity generation sold via the spot market, which reduces the revenue for conventional power plants.

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The G20 Energy Efficiency Forum and the Energy Efficiency Investment Toolkit
Finance & Economics

The G20 Energy Efficiency Forum and the Energy Efficiency Investment Toolkit

The G20 energy efficiency work has not got much attention but there are some good things happening. At the event the group, with 15 participating countries, launched its G20 Energy Efficiency Toolkit. The toolkit offers a perspective on scaling up energy efficiency.

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The key to scaling up energy efficiency – new business models and structures
Finance & Economics

The key to scaling up energy efficiency – new business models and structures

There are signs that the foundations of a functioning energy efficiency financing market are now being put in place. Investor Confidence Project is rolling out its Investor Ready Energy Efficiency™ project certification system in the US Europe, with growing interest from India, China .

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Where is industry in addressing Europe’s climate and energy obligations?
Finance & Economics

Where is industry in addressing Europe’s climate and energy obligations?

The European Commission published its proposals to revise its array of clean energy legislation. Informally, the proposals are known as the Winter Package. It proposed a new energy saving target for 2030 - 30%, up from 27% and now binding instead of indicative.

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Standardisation, data and risk for energy efficiency investments
Finance & Economics

Standardisation, data and risk for energy efficiency investments

This morning I will talk about three important words for the energy efficiency finance market. They include standardisation, data and risk. ICP standardises the development and documentation process for energy efficiency projects. And we need to standardise performance data and reporting.

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Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock
Finance & Economics

Energy Transition of the EU Building Stock

Report estimates EU energy renovation market at EUR 109 billion in 2015 and 882,900 jobs. The size of the EU renovation market could increase by almost half if a 40% energy savings target is adopted for 2030. This would lead to more than one.

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Finance & Economics

Investing in Long-Life Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Assets

Investing in Long-Life Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency assets is quite attractive for long-term investors. The paper reviews long-life asset-investments. Risk assessment must be one of the corner stones of every investment decision.

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Investing in Long-Life Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Assets

Finance & Economics

Green Banking and Green Financing

SBI has over 20.000 bank branches in India and presence in 35 countries. SBI recognized as a front runner in Green Banking and Green Financing in India. Short paper covers different initiatives of SBI in areas of green banking and financing services.

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Green Banking and Green Financing

Finance & Economics

Financing Energy Efficiency: A Capital Market perspective

The money is there! --- this presentation covers the challenges for institutional investors, the framework for investment decisions and an example of energy efficiency project selection criteria.

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Financing Energy Efficiency: A Capital Market perspective