Our Authors


Jürgen Ritzek

Juergen Ritzek is co-founder and Business Director of EEIP.

Juergen is responsible for strategy, marketing and business development of EEIP and drives the growth of EEIP towards an energy transition platform. Juergen leads EEIPs B2B communication…

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Carla Rubí

Carla Rubí is an Energy Lawyer from Barcelona, Spain. She works at Prat Rubí Advocats, a law firm specialized in Energy Law. She is also an Energy & Climate Policy Advisor in GEODE, an European association that represents more than 1200 local energy…

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Yamina Saheb

Dr. Yamina Saheb is a senior energy policy analyst at OpenExp in Paris. Prior to that she was Policy and Scientific Officer at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission and for two years a senior energy efficiency policy analyst at…

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Marianna Santavenere

Marianna works as project manager for EEIP. With a background in marketing and intercultural communications, she is responsible for various B2B and B2P communication activities including exploring new channels such as Virtual Reality.

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Aljoscha Schlosser

Aljoscha Schlosser is Digital Innovation Manager at BOGE KOMPRESSOREN Otto Boge GmbH & Co. KG. As a digital trendscout, he leads the development of new digital products, services, business models and exploitation of new technologies.

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Daniel Schoeler

Daniel Schoeler is project engineer at ERN (Energiedienstleistungen Rhein-Neckar GmbH) a Germany based specialist for various energy services. ERN is the first qualified German ICP Project Developer and a Quality Assurance Assessor for industrial…

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Abe Scholte

Kryha is a leading distributed technologies studio that specializes in the design and development of enterprise digital ecosystems to enable sustainable industry transformation. Our strength lies in realizing valuable blockchain systems in complex…

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Regina Schwald

Regina Schwald is a multilingual print and television journalist and holds an M.A. in Political Sciences and Germanic Literature. Regina also works as project manager for EU-research projects and is part of the European Science Communication…

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Eduard Serrat

Eduard Serrat is working as Communication and Social Media Manager at EEIP. He is managing the EEIP writers' network and blog expansion into new areas of the energy transition. With an academic background in political science and communication, he…

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Atul Sharma

M.Sc. Atul Sharma works as Business Development Specialist for Bonnenberg & Drescher GmbH, specialising in process optimisation technology and advanced temperature measurements systems. Atul holds a bachelor of engineering in Mechanical Engineering…

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