Our Authors
Bruno De Wachter
As a freelance engineer-copywriter, I have 20+ years' experience in B2B and EU advocacy communication. I combine a technical background with a passion for the right wording and wide-ranging knowledge of the energy transition and sustainability…
Author detailsChristian Ecker
Christian Ecker is a Project Manager with Minespider. He focuses on the implementation of traceability processes and sustainability policies, with a particular interest in local-level human rights & environmental impacts. He holds a Master's in…
Author detailsDr. Steven Fawkes
Steven works on several energy efficiency financing projects around the world including the Investor Confidence Project Europe. He founded EnergyPro in 2012 to help accelerate investment into the energy transition, especially in energy and resource…
Author detailsCristina Florensa
Cristina works as EEIP Communication Designer. Cristina has a university degree from Elisava Barcelona School of Design and Engineering.
Author detailsLevis Gandeu
Levis Gandeu is functional analyst at Wordline Global and writes for EEIP as technical expert.
Author detailsCarsten Glenting
Carsten Glenting is partner at Viegand Maagøe, a specialist consulting company within the fields of energy efficiency, renewable energy and green transition. He holds a M.Sc. in mathematics and finance and has 30 years’ experience in management…
Author detailsDavid Gow
Editor of www.sceptical.scot , Senior Adviser at Social Europe and Senior Adviser at Acumen Public Affairs. He is former European Business Editor of The Guardian and worked for The Scotsman and London Weekend Television.
Author detailsErik Gudbjerg
Erik is director of yourenergy and an international expert on Industrial Energy Efficiency and Energy Management System Implementation. Erik has assisted over 200 organisations in implementing and improving Energy Management in Malaysia, China,…
Author detailsAli Hasanbeigi
CEO and Research Director at Global Efficiency Intelligence, LLC. He has 14 years of international experience providing strategic analysis and technical research on energy systems efficiency, manufacturing decarbonization, demand side management,…
Author detailsDusan Jakovljevic
Dusan Jakovljevic is co-founder and Director of Policy & Communications of Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (EEIP). Educated at the London School of Economics, Dusan has been working in EU public affairs and energy policy since 1999 in…
Author details