Business Practices

Whitepaper Elektromobilitaet: Optionen fuer Deutschlands Automobilindustrie

Elektromobilitaet und neue Mobilitaetskonzepte: Eine Revolution fuer die Autoindustrie. Diese Studie von Technomar analysiert die Herausforderungen für Deutschlands.

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Whitepaper Elektromobilitaet: Optionen fuer Deutschlands Automobilindustrie

Solarwaerme in Deutschland - Zukunftsmarkt industrielle Prozesswaerme bis 100C

Diese Studie unter Mitarbeit von Technomar gibt detaillierte Einsichten in technische und wirtschaftliche Potenziale und beschreibt Szenarien 2030.

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Solarwaerme in Deutschland - Zukunftsmarkt industrielle Prozesswaerme bis 100C

Wie kann ich an einer Studie teilnehmen? Beispiel Marktanalyse Energiespeicher 2020

Studien über moegliche kuenftige Marktentwicklungen werden damit immer bedeutender für unternehmerische Entscheidungen und enstprechende.

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Wie kann ich an einer Studie teilnehmen? Beispiel Marktanalyse Energiespeicher 2020

Buildings & Transport

Smart Mobility in Smart City

The EU co-funded project on how to make urban transport more environmentally sustainable. The report covers interaction between FEV, transport- and energy infrastructure (smart grid) It also includes strategies for trip planning, driving and charging... to finally optimize FEV.

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Smart Mobility in Smart City

Renewable Energy Digitalisation

New - automated predictive maintenance using unstructured data

Warwick Analytics briefly describes their next level software developments leading to automated predictive maintenance. It also claims to solve implementation barriers like unstructured data or complex IT integration. The benefits of such tools like reduced downtime and a reduction of energy and waste is not new.

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New - automated predictive maintenance using unstructured data

Professionelle Lastganganalyse

Jedes Unternehmen hat Stromlastspitzen - aber wie hoch sind diese tatsächlich. In der professionellen Lastgang Analyse können alle diese Fragen und noch se.

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Professionelle Lastganganalyse

Energy Infrastructure Finance & Economics

Investing in Long-Life Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Assets

Investing in Long-Life Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency assets is quite attractive for long-term investors. The paper reviews long-life asset-investments. Risk assessment must be one of the corner stones of every investment decision.

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Investing in Long-Life Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Assets

Policy & Regulation Renewable Energy

Asset and Energy Management - or ISO 50001 vs ISO 55001

ISO55001, the standard for asset management, takes all these aspects into account. The questions: Is it really necessary to implement more than one standard within an organization? Is it not enough to implement e.g only ISO55000?.

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Asset and Energy Management - or ISO 50001 vs ISO 55001

Circular Economy

ORC Technology in Waste to Energy Solutions

Turboden shows its ORC technology which can be profitably and efficiently used to produce electric using energy from waste to energy recovery processes. power of Turboden turbogenerators in this application ranges from 200 kW to 20 MW electric.

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ORC Technology in Waste to Energy Solutions

Circular Economy

ORC Technology in Solar Thermal Power Plant

Concentrating Solar Power systems with Turboden ORC can be cost-effective in the range between 200 kW and 20 MW electric. Turboden describes units allowing to convert heat collected by solar collectors into electricity through an efficient thermodynamic cycle.

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ORC Technology in Solar Thermal Power Plant