Business Practices

Energy Infrastructure Circular Economy

Reliable Mixture Control - Lean Gas Systems

Worldwide lean gas (biogas, mine gas, landfill gas or digester gas) is becoming more important for power and heat generation. Stricter rules and regulations for emissions are factors which are permanently asking for increased performance of mixture controls for station.

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Reliable Mixture Control - Lean Gas Systems

Holz-Kraft Anlagen: Produktion von Strom & Wärme im MW Bereich

Beispiel einer Kaskadeninstallation von 22 Holz-Kraft Anlagen. mir denen 1MW elektrische and 2,4MW thermische Leistung erreicht werden.

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Holz-Kraft Anlagen: Produktion von Strom & Wärme im MW Bereich

Finance & Economics

Financing Energy Efficiency: A Capital Market perspective

The money is there! --- this presentation covers the challenges for institutional investors, the framework for investment decisions and an example of energy efficiency project selection criteria.

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Financing Energy Efficiency: A Capital Market perspective

Policy & Regulation Renewable Energy

Active Energy Efficiency

This white paper argues strongly that meeting greenhouse gas emissions targets set within the Kyoto Protocol will fail unless Active Energy Efficiency becomes compulsory.

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Active Energy Efficiency

Renewable Energy Digitalisation

Process Control for Active Energy Management in Industry

This white paper was written by analysts of the Industrial Automation Practice at Frost & Sullivan to elaborate on the potential to leverage process control solutions for active energy management in Industry

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Process Control for Active Energy Management in Industry

Energy Efficiency Circular Economy

Cooling systems and energy recovery for industrial furnaces: technologies - advantages

This paper gives an overview about different cooling systems (cold water cooling, warm water cooling, hot cooling) for different types of furnaces and industries. Author: Reining Heisskuehlung

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Cooling systems and energy recovery for industrial furnaces: technologies - advantages

Kühlsysteme und Energierückgewinnung für Industrieöfen: Varianten - Vorteile

Ein Überblick über Kühlsysteme (Kaltwasserkühlung, Warmwasserkühlung, Heißkühlung), jeweilige Vorteile und Einsatzmöglichkeiten (Typen von Industrieöfen, Industriesektoren). Autor: Reining Heisskühlung

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Kühlsysteme und Energierückgewinnung für Industrieöfen: Varianten - Vorteile

Stromerzeugung aus Abwärme bei diskontinuierlichen Abwärmeströmen

Darstellung des DeVeTec Abwärmekraftwerksprozesses basierend auf einer Kolbenxpansionsmaschine sowie ein Vergleich zu ORC Anwendungen.

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Stromerzeugung aus Abwärme bei diskontinuierlichen Abwärmeströmen

DeVeTec at German Federal President Mr. Gauck

DeVeTec presents its Energy Recovery project at the Environment Week in Schloss Bellevue Park on invitation of German Federal President Mr. Joachim Gauk (June 2016)

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DeVeTec at German Federal President Mr. Gauck

DeVeTec nominated for German Industry Innovation Award 2016

DeVeTec GmbH has been nominated for the German Industrys Innovation Award. The award is for its innovation in the field of energy efficiency. winners will be announced during a prize ceremony taking place at 16th of April in Darmstadt.

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DeVeTec nominated for German Industry Innovation Award 2016