Business Practices

Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy

Miele - pumps in refrigeration system

State-of-the-art pump system at Mieles main production facility in Guetersloh, Germany. combination of efficient motors, variable speed drive controls and metering. New system uses 40% less energy than the old system.

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Miele - pumps in refrigeration system

Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy

ProMinent - process metering pumps

ProMinent implemented a complex pump system while at the same time achieving energy savings up to 60%. The implementation was guided by KSB energy efficiency system concept covering all components of the pump system, from variable speed drive controls to the monitoring system.

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ProMinent - process metering pumps

Renewable Energy Circular Economy

Salzgitter - pumps for district heating

Short description of how Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH saved 53% of energy costs in their district heating operations. This has been achieved by a replacement of pumps with a new demand based pump control system.

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Salzgitter - pumps for district heating

Buildings & Transport

SAP - Air conditioning in building service application

Short case study describing the implementation of a fail-safe and energy efficient air-conditioning at a SAP data center. It includes an integrated pump system ranging from motors, intelligent speed control system to pumps and automation.

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SAP - Air conditioning in building service application

Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy

Solvay - optimizing cooling water pumps

Short case study describes how application of KSB energy efficiency system approach has led to energy savings of 25% at Solvays recooling plant in Bad Wimpfen, Germany. For details about KSB, see paper about optimising hydraulic systems.

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Solvay - optimizing cooling water pumps

Energy Efficiency Digitalisation

Hydraulische Systeme - Optimierung Energieeffizienz

Kurzdarstellung des 4-Stufen Prozesses von KSB zur Optimierung der Energieeffizienz von hydraulischens Systemen. Mit einem Fokus auf den ges.

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Hydraulische Systeme - Optimierung Energieeffizienz

Energy Efficiency Digitalisation

Hydraulic system - energy efficiency optimization

This paper describes the 4 step approach of KSB to optimize the energy efficiency of a hydraulic system. It starts with a system analysis to detect optimization potential and ends with usage of smart pump technology and services during operation - see also paper on industry 4.0.

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Hydraulic system - energy efficiency optimization

Energy Efficiency Digitalisation

Industrie 4.0 und smarte Pumpentechnologie

Smarte Pumpentechnologie und smarte Serviceleistungen kommen zusammen. Dies geschieht basierend auf den wesentlichen Produkteigenschaften Vernetzbarke.

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Industrie 4.0 und smarte Pumpentechnologie

Energy Efficiency Digitalisation

Industry 4.0 and smart pump technology

This paper shows the IoT or industry 4.0 approach of KSB. It describes how KSB sees smart pumps and smart services coming together. The paper also contains links to further information on KSB website. Back to Mail Online home.

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Industry 4.0 and smart pump technology

Energy Efficiency

Actuators: Solenoid beats Pneumatics

Case study highlights the cost benefits of electromagnetic actuators versus pneumatic systems. This covers investment costs as well as energy costs over life time, hence a full TCO (total cost of ownership) approach. Case study is based on a real example.

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Actuators: Solenoid beats Pneumatics