Business Practices

Policy & Regulation

Are you compliant?

December 5th 2015 has now passed, the date by which businesses all across Europe must comply with Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU (also known as ‘Article 8′) It is the date that businesses all over Europe.

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Are you compliant?

Policy & Regulation

Article 8: the legal quirk entangling some Swedish businesses

December 5th 2015 is the date by which businesses across Europe must comply with EU Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU Article 8. The date is when businesses must meet the requirements of the Directive. It is also the date when businesses should comply with.

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Article 8: the legal quirk entangling some Swedish businesses

Policy & Regulation

ISO 50001: easier Article 8 compliance, plus energy cost savings

The EU Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU (also known as ‘Article 8′) now applies. From December 5th 2015, businesses with at least 250 employees have had to comply with Article 8 in every EU Member State where such businesses have.

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ISO 50001: easier Article 8 compliance, plus energy cost savings

Renewable Energy

Press release - DNV GL adds three experts with deep energy efficiency expertise to its Sustainable Energy Use team

New experts strengthen DNV GL’s advanced data analytics and strategic consulting capabilities to support customers in energy efficiency planning and evaluation.

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Press release - DNV GL adds three experts with deep energy efficiency expertise to its Sustainable Energy Use team

Renewable Energy

Case Study of Imam Khomeini Oil Refining Company

Imam Khomeini Oil Refining Company (IKORC) has joined hands with United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Iranian Fuel Conservation Company (IFCO) IKORC has already targeted energy and utility savings through .

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Case Study of Imam Khomeini Oil Refining Company

Renewable Energy

Case Study of Kermanshah Petrochemical Industries Co.

Kermanshah Petrochemical Industries Co. has joined hands with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and Iranian Fuel Conservation Company (IFCO) KPIC has already achieved significant savings through the implementation of an Energy Management System.

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Case Study of Kermanshah Petrochemical Industries Co.

Renewable Energy

Case Study of Oxin Steel Company

Oxin Steel Co. has joined hands with UNIDO and Iranian Fuel Conservation Company (IFCO) to implement a structured approach to energy management in their operations. Under the Global Environment Facility (GEF) funded project, Industrial Energy Efficiency in Key.

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Case Study of Oxin Steel Company

Renewable Energy

Case Study of Regal Petrochemical Company

Regal Petrochemical Company (RPC) has joined hands with UNIDO and Iranian Fuel Conservation Company. RPC has already achieved significant savings through the implementation of an Energy Management System (EnMS) The RPC is part of the Global Environment Facility.

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Case Study of Regal Petrochemical Company

ab 2016: Neue Foerdermittel fuer Energieeffizienz-Massnahmen

Fördermögllchkeiten seit 2016 = effektive Wettbewerbsvorteile für Unternehmen. Wir haben bereits über 2 Mill Euro Zus.

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ab 2016: Neue Foerdermittel fuer Energieeffizienz-Massnahmen

Renewable Energy

Load Management of Industrial Systems

If a company wants to reduce its energy costs, its primary focus should be on reducing energy consumption. In many cases, companies can also realize significant savings by optimizing their energy consumption profile. This paper will discuss various ways of adjusting consumption supported by practical examples.

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Load Management of Industrial Systems