In and out with 10-minute electrical vehicle recharge
Electric vehicle owners may soon be able to pull into a fueling station, plug their car in, go to the restroom, get a cup of coffee and in 10 minutes, drive out with a fully charged battery, according…
Read Full articleGreen Aviation
First published here Those who know me will know of my life long-love of aviation. I wanted to be a test pilot even before wanting to be an astronaut but ended up getting into energy. My…
Read Full articleHow cheap must batteries get for renewables to compete with fossil fuels?
Author: Edd Gent While solar and wind power are rapidly becoming cost-competitive with fossil fuels in areas with lots of sun and wind , they still can’t provide the 24/7 power we’ve become used to.…
Read Full articleWorld Energy Outlook 2022 - global energy crisis: a historic turning point towards a cleaner and more secure future
For the first time, global demand for each of the fossil fuels shows a peak or plateau across all WEO scenarios, with Russian exports in particular falling significantly as the world energy order is…
Read Full articleEnergy storage investments - bridging production and consumption
The February 2021 energy crisis in Texas was yet another stark reminder of just how broken our national power grid is and how difficult the energy transition will be. The shift to renewable energy…
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