Game Changer: How Energy Audits are Transforming Small Businesses
In an era of rising energy costs and increasing environmental concerns, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are discovering a powerful tool to boost their bottom line and reduce their carbon…
Read Full articleTraining, development of corporate policies and energy audits, keys to the success of energy efficiency measures in SMEs
Training, development of corporate policies and energy audits, keys to the success of energy efficiency measures in SMEs Mariana Fernández, Director of Communication and Training at Sustainable…
Read Full articleWhen Are Energy Audits a Waste of Money?
“Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all.” Peter Drucker Curt Monhart was sitting across the desk from an organization’s facility manager discussing a…
Read Full articleEnergy audit and augmented reality: how to combine them? RETROFEED innovation accelerated by COVID-19
Energy Audit in times of COVID-19: The RETROFEED augmented reality experience An online event organised by the RETROFEED project on 2 December 2020 RETROFEED industry partners shared their experience…
Read Full articleIndustry and Europe’s “Fit for 55” package
In July the European Commission adopted a package of proposals – called the Fit for 55 package – to make the EU’s climate, energy, land use, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net GHG…
Read Full articleThe time is right: Industrial Policy and the European Green Deal
This week, there is a big article in the Financial Times about how Brussels is re-tooling industrial policy. The focus of the article is on how there is increasing support to develop the battery…
Read Full articleEU Fit for 55 package: a good fit for companies performing energy management systems and energy audits?
On 14 July 2021, the European Commission circulated a new set of proposals called ‘ Fit for 55 package ’ delivering the 2030 climate change targets and coping with the highly popular EU Green Deal.…
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Raymond Shum
Raymond, Chi Chung SHUM is a qualified 3rd party international recognized Certification Bodies Lead Auditor experience in Energy Audit against ISO 50001 and IBM Energy Audit. Raymond is a Panel Assessor and Interviewer of Society for the Environment,…
Author detailsUnlocking Energy Efficiency: How Top Management Decisions Shape Industrial Sustainability
In an era of rising energy costs and increasing environmental concerns, industrial companies are facing mounting pressure to improve their energy efficiency. A recent survey conducted across five…
Read Full articleBarriers to Data Collection in Industrial Energy Audits
An energy audit is one of the most efficient tools for industries to achieve a better understanding of the energy flows within the plant, to benchmark consumptions with reference values for the sector…
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