Blockchain will be the next GDPR
What has been apparent for a long time to all of us involved in energy efficiency at business and industry is that the communication layer is the foundation of nascent energy system. It will radically…
Read Full articleCovenant of Mayors Investment Forum
Accelerating investments into sustainable energy and climate adaptation are important to ensure a climate-neutral Europe in the long-term and prepare our cities and regions for the threats and risks of climate change already known today. Europe’s…
DetailsJoint Declaration on the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition - Signed by Commission and all Member States
A Joint Declaration on energy efficiency financing and the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition (Coalition) has been signed today by the Commissioner for Energy Kadri Simson and the Energy…
Read Full articleThe Alliance4ECEI hosts the Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold recovery webinar, as part of the Sustainable Energy Days
The Alliance for Energy Cooperation in European Industries ( Alliance4ECEI ) will hold the online session Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold…
Read Full articleeLITHE project ignites the future of Sustainable Ceramic Industry decarbonization
The Horizon Europe project eLITHE kicked off at the beginning of January 2024, marking a significant milestone in the quest for sustainable industrial practices. An EU-funded project – eLITHE – has…
Read Full articleArtificial Intelligence Act: Landmark Deal Reached for World's First AI Rules
Introduction After intensive three-day negotiations, a historic agreement on the Artificial Intelligence Act has been reached between the Council presidency and the European Parliament. This act, a…
Read Full articleSustainable bioenergy and its crucial role in driving the green transition in industries
The annual EU Industry Days together with the EU Industry Week (local events) are Europe’s flagship annual events dedicated to the industry playing an important role in showcasing latest innovations…
Read Full articleEurope’s energy-intensive industries coping with covid crisis while trying to stay on sustainable path
Europe’s industry has significant challenges today. We are fortunate that the European Union provides a robust policy framework for industry that covers many themes: climate change, energy efficiency,…
Read Full articleEurope’s steel industry and the need to decarbonise
A recent article by Ben Jones in the Financial Times ( Europe’s steel industry needs a credible plan to go green , August 6, 2020) discussed the problems that the steel industry is having in reducing…
Read Full articleGreen Revolution - Medium-sized companies show the way. Lessons from two spanish companies in the chemical industry
The path towards a more sustainable and ecological industry is not easy and sometimes SMEs (Small and Medium sized Enterprises) struggle to understand why and how conversion towards a more…
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