It's time to act
People only accept change when they are faced with necessity, and only recognise necessity when a crisis is upon them. -Jean Monnet. French political economist and diplomat who was one of the founding…
Read Full articleThe Intersection of Energy and AI: Insights from the IEA Global Conference
The International Energy Agency (IEA) hosted its inaugural Global Conference on Energy and AI at its Paris headquarters, bringing together leaders from technology companies, the energy sector, and…
Read Full articleClimate neutrality and the potential of digital energy efficiency technologies - Five application examples
Reducing CO2 emissions to zero in 30 years - utopian? The conversion of Germany's energy supply to green and renewable is a done deal. In 30 years, the country is to meet its energy needs from…
Read Full articleIEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency 2018
Meet EEIP at the IEA Global Conference on Energy Efficiency 2018. The International Energy Agency’s third annual Global Conference on Energy Efficiency will convene dignitaries and leaders from across the globe. The aim is to share insights and…
DetailsUNIDO: Industrial energy efficiency: Picking the low-hanging fruit
The following article is the keynote article in the Global Sustain Yearbook 2016/17 by LI Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Li Yong focusses on…
Read Full articleConnecting the dots of Energy Efficiency Directive with sustainable finance reporting. The full potential unlocked.
During this summer, the European Commission published in the OJ (Official Journal) a series of Recommendations and guidelines, addressed to member states, for the transposition of the Energy…
Read Full articleData-driven, data-dependent: Blockchain in the Mining Industry
What is a mine’s main output? Minerals would be the first, obvious answer: there are mines around the globe producing thousands or even millions of tons of minerals. So far, so good. But what else?…
HYDROGEN - AN ALL-ROUNDER Great hopes are being placed in hydrogen as an energy carrier. Hydrogen seems to be the solution, especially for economic and industrial sectors that are difficult to…
Read Full articleAustralian startup develops AI model to forecast solar ouput based on satellite data
With solar eclipsing coal as the lead source of electricity generation in Australia these last days , the question of how to manage this powerful but unpredictable fleet is already a pressing issue.…
Read Full articleSimplify Your Business Processes and Boost Efficiency with Ready-to-Use IoT Platforms
IoT (Internet of Things) technology has proven to be a game-changer for businesses over the years. From healthcare to agriculture, smart sensors, controllers, and other connected devices enable…
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