Accelerating the Clean Energy Transition: An Updated Roadmap to Net Zero Emissions
The global energy landscape has undergone significant shifts since the International Energy Agency (IEA) published its landmark Net Zero by 2050 report in 2021. While energy-related CO2 emissions…
Read Full articleICP – the way financial institutions can make fighting climate change a business case
On September 12-14, 2018, San Francisco hosted the Global Climate Action Summit. The operative word is on “action.” At the summit, the Joint Statement of the Supporting Institutions of the Climate…
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Atul Sharma
M.Sc. Atul Sharma works as Business Development Specialist for Bonnenberg & Drescher GmbH, specialising in process optimisation technology and advanced temperature measurements systems. Atul holds a bachelor of engineering in Mechanical Engineering…
Author detailsAC electrical connections: Clarity on Electrical Interface Types, Standards and Trends
Many confusions exists regarding wiring devices. This paper brings clarity by examining Electrical Interface Types, Electrical Interface Standards,Industry trends and Cords and Plug Adapters. Moreover, it gives several parameters that determine interoperability between a power source interface and a device interface. Find out more about their solution offering in the world’s leading trade fair…
Read Full Business PracticeThe difference between implementing and benefitting from ISO50001
This short article describes a common issue many companies are facing. ISO50001 has become a widely implemented standard in industry. However, the energy management system often exists only on paper resulting in nothing else than additional administrative burden and costs. That´s obvioulsy a waste of time and money. The reason? ISO50001 is a framework only. HE Consulting briefly describes what is…
Read Full Business PracticeCreating a long-lasting platform to map the future of energy
As energy costs sky-rocket and industries struggle to survive, EMB3Rs can make a difference. Austria-based researchers reveal how the platform is set to help companies cost-effectively convert waste…
Read Full articleDecarb Europe

The goal of DecarbEurope is to engage decision-makers in policy and industry with solutions that can, in a cost-effective manner, decarbonize Europe at the scale and speed that is needed to achieve our climate goals. As an ecosystem of 20 sectors—and growing—the initiative connects technologies, policies, and markets in a…
Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group

The Energy Efficiency Financial Institutions Group (EEFIG) was established in 2013 by the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy (DG Energy) and United Nations Environment Program Finance Initiative (UNEP FI). It created an open dialogue and work platform for public and private financial institutions, industry…
10 Facts about Wind Power
Wind power is one of the fastest growing industrial segments in the world. Being once a niche market in Europe, wind has added more capacity than any other technology over the last decade. Now, wind power nears the 500 GW milestone, providing jobs and power to regions across the globe. Wind energy is the most efficient solution to reduce emissions in the power sector. Onshore wind is now the…
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Ettore Piantoni
Ettore Piantoni has more than thirty years’ experience in the energy industry. He holds a Master’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano, Italy and is a certified energy management expert. Since 2013 he has worked as an…
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