The European Investment Bank (EIB) revises energy lending criteria
The European Investment Bank (EIB) will phase out support to energy projects reliant on fossil fuels: oil & gas production, infrastructure primarily dedicated to natural gas, power generation or heat…
Read Full articleVirtual Power Plants: former sci-fi technology is now a reality
An old saying in Ireland goes: ‘there is no strength without unity’. When it comes to distributed energy resources (DER ), it couldn’t be more true. DER, acting individually, has a very limited…
Read Full articleDE- fuer KMU: Netzentgeltentwicklung 2016 zu 2017
Wie funktionieren -Netznutzungsentgelte-? Wie hoch sind die echten Steigerungsraten - und welche Ansätze zur Kostenreduzierung gibt es. Antworten dazu in dieser Studie, welche die wattline GmbH, Deutschlands führender Energiedienstleister, auf der Hannover Messe im EnergyEfficiencyCenter im Rahmen eines Vortrages zur „Netzentgeltentwicklung 2016 zu 2017“ in Deutschland, mit besonderem Schwerpunkt…
Read Full Business PracticeEnergy Efficiency Finance Market Place
The conference " Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place ", organised by European Commission's Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) , is taking place in Brussels on 18-19 January 2017. The conference is the third in a series…
DetailsNew Utility Business Model: leverage customer base
New Utility Busines Model: leverage customer base The typical utility model of the past is dead. The rise of renewables is often mentioned as one of the key reasons. Giant utilities were and are…
Read Full articleCross-Sectoral Skills Strategy for Industrial-Urban Symbiosis and Energy Efficiency
Agenda and Registration SPIRE-SAIS project, as Skills Alliance for Industrial Symbiosis - Cross-sectoral Blueprint for a Sustainable Process Industry, brings…
DetailsOn the road to making ceramic production greener
Up until now, ceramic production has had a pretty bad reputation when it comes to environmental issues. But that’s starting to change. Gabriele Frignani is responsible for applied research at SACMI…
Read Full articleSmart Metering : Is it really interesting for Industry?
What is Smart Metering ? About the issue of rational use of energy, smart metering turns out to be a real solution to consider. But, what is actually smart metering? The smart metering is literally…
HYDROGEN - AN ALL-ROUNDER Great hopes are being placed in hydrogen as an energy carrier. Hydrogen seems to be the solution, especially for economic and industrial sectors that are difficult to…
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