What is the carbon footprint of space travel?
Who couldn’t have been wowed by the recent incredible crewed Space X launch on the 30th May? Two astronauts successfully left the earth’s atmosphere to dock with the international space station on a…
Read Full articleDENEFF Jahresauftaktkonferenz 2016 - EnergyPages Content Marketing nominated for Energy Efficiency Award!
Die Entwicklung von Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Technologien verläuft alles andere als linear und wird von vielen Faktoren beeinflusst – so auch bei der Energieeffizienz. Wichtige Stichworte sind etwa neue Kundenbedürfnisse, Shared Economy,…
DetailsEurovision – how energy efficiency became a showstopper
This week Europe is enjoying three evenings of the Eurovision Song Contest , two semi-finals and the final on Saturday evening. This has been a wonderful way of bringing Europeans together to watch…
Read Full articleFacade greening - "Good for the environment and the feel-good factor".
Interview with Gregor Grassl, Associate Partner at Stuttgart-based planning and consulting firm Drees & Sommer SE. Urban buildings and flourishing nature do not have to be a contradiction in terms. On…
Read Full articleVideo relased: A platform to calculate energy recovery options
The final video about EMB3Rs heat and cold matching platform has been released and can be watched here It features the different application options for the platform and the experts involved share…
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