Increasing the flow of investment into energy efficiency in industry
The most recent EEFIG meeting focused on industry, a sector that is sometimes neglected compared to buildings. I summarised the work on the EEFIG Underwriting Toolkit and took the opportunity to give…
Read Full articleNew recording of energy performance contracts (EPCs) in government accounts
New recording of energy performance contracts (EPCs) in government accounts Recently Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, published new guidance on recording of energy performance…
Read Full articleHow to generate long-term value creation through operationalisation of sustainability data
This article aims to outline best practices for operationalizing sustainability performance data and emphasize the benefits of fully embedding sustainability within operational strategy. Many firms…
Read Full articleCreating a long-lasting platform to map the future of energy
As energy costs sky-rocket and industries struggle to survive, EMB3Rs can make a difference. Austria-based researchers reveal how the platform is set to help companies cost-effectively convert waste…
Read Full articleAn overview of the ESCO industry
The following is the text of my presentation made in Cairo on the 18th December 2023 at a UNIDO organised event presenting the results of a project on ESCO contracts completed by a consortium…
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