Industry digitalisation from an energy perspective
The digital revolution - 2 page factsheet by the Joint Research Center The digital revolution Digitalisation is the innovative use of information and communications technologies , in particular the…
Read Full articleMatchmaking event in Energy Efficiency EU-Argentina
The Low Carbon and Circular Economy Business Action (LCBA) and Energy Efficiency in Argentina programs, both funded by the European Union, aim to connect European technology providers with energy efficiency projects in Argentina. Join this first…
Detailswebinar: Enter the German market for industrial energy efficiency
Enter the German market for industrial energy efficiency (webinar) You are a provider of a great technology or service that increase energy efficiency in the industrial sector and want to enter the largest European market? In the webinar “Enter the…
DetailsDigital Solutions for Industry
This is the era of the fourth industrial revolution. An era of change towards digital solutions for the simple and efficient management of processes and plants which, like any previous industrial revolution, brings with it a colossal transformation.…
DetailsImpact and nature of the declaration on Energy Efficiency Financing
The declaration is a political declaration on energy efficiency financing and part of the European Energy Efficiency Financing Coalition. It underscores energy efficiency's critical role in…
Read Full articleNew R&D Funding Opportunity to Upscale Circular Economy Practice in Cities
CircularPSP invites suppliers to develop an innovative Circular Economy solution that enables municipalities and their staff as well as businesses in the local economy to apply circular practice more…
Read Full articleNew recording of energy performance contracts (EPCs) in government accounts
New recording of energy performance contracts (EPCs) in government accounts Recently Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, published new guidance on recording of energy performance…
Read Full articleThe Alliance4ECEI hosts the Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold recovery webinar, as part of the Sustainable Energy Days
The Alliance for Energy Cooperation in European Industries ( Alliance4ECEI ) will hold the online session Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold…
Read Full articleHow does COVID19 affect energy efficiency plans of industry?
How does COVID19 affect energy efficiency plans of industry? What framework(s) are effective to help decarbonise industry? Do companies plan to decarbonise? How/by when? What are the short term plans…
Read Full articleHannover Messe 2016 - FREE exhibitor Promotion
EEIP (Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes) is the biggest industial energy efficiency network with more than 100.000 members and new 100+ every day. Our objective is to contribute to a better functioning of energy efficiency markets. EEIP is…