Industry digitalisation from an energy perspective
The digital revolution - 2 page factsheet by the Joint Research Center The digital revolution Digitalisation is the innovative use of information and communications technologies , in particular the…
Read Full articleThe hidden benefits of solar powered energy
Are you a solar-powered energy user? Have you considered adopting solar as a source of power for your home or business? If you answered “yes” you’re in good company. According to a recent report from…
Read Full articleUnlocking the Potential of Industrial Symbiosis: Strategies for Sustainable Project Development
The following article is a summary of the report “Guidelines for IS project development for improved engagement of funding schemes” delivered by the EU project CORALIS. And it is also a training…
Read Full articleFrom Industrial Symbiosis to Hubs for Circularity, the IS2H4C Projects kicks-off!
On 14-15 of February, the IS2H4C consortium met in Enschede, Netherlands, to kick-off the 4-years project, aligning on objectives, timelines, communication, and coordination planning for the first…
Read Full articleQ&A: Why cement emissions matter for climate change
A builder directs wet concrete from a cement truck into the foundations of a large building. Credit: Peter Righteous/Alamy Stock Photo. First published here . If the cement industry were a country, it…
Read Full articleEurope's sustainable future depends on accessibility of raw materials for batteries
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) singles out accessibility of raw materials as a pressing issue, warning that a prompt solution for the development of batteries is needed to make…
Read Full articleAll you need to know about advanced high temperature heating technologies for industry
Decarbonising industry means the decarbonisation of electricity and heat. In principle, industry can rather easily decarbonize their electricity consumption, just buy green electricity. Heat is the…
Read Full articleUNIDO: Industrial energy efficiency: Picking the low-hanging fruit
The following article is the keynote article in the Global Sustain Yearbook 2016/17 by LI Yong, Director General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO). Li Yong focusses on…
Read Full articleThe EU Coordinated Plan on AI: Expectations for the Energy Transition
The European Commission published on 21 April 2021 its newest set of actions and regulations for managing the development of Artificial Intelligence in the European Union. This vastly popular…
Read Full articleEnergy revolution starts with Smart grids
Building safe, secure and efficient energy infrastructure is one of the EU's top goals which is going to be boosted by an investment of almost 1 billion euros. About 84% of this amount should be used…
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