Catalytic Hydrogen Production: Pioneering Clean Energy with Methane Cracking
In the race to decarbonize the world’s energy systems, hydrogen stands out as one of the most promising fuels for a cleaner future. A significant part of this transformation is methane cracking, an…
Read Full articleWhy would you use hydrogen for power generation?
This question has puzzled me quite a bit and when I recently asked it of my LinkedIn network the post quickly shot up to well over 15,000 views in a couple of days as the debate raged on in the…
Read Full articleCalling All Global Leaders in Clean Energy
The Clean Energy Ministerial invites your organization to compete for a prestigious global award by sharing your experiences in implementing energy management strategies through ISO 50001.…
Read Full articleWorkshop 'Energy efficiency first': easier said than done?
As stated in a recently proposed directive (COM(2016) 761 final), “Energy efficiency first” is a key element of the Energy Union. The most recent Commission proposals include a 30% binding energy efficiency target for 2030 . Reaching this ambitious…
DetailsInnovative financial solutions to fight energy poverty
Social housing associations and EU projects are countering energy poverty with innovative financial schemes and “solidarity mechanisms”: “Buildings refurbishment benefits both the people and the…
Read Full articleInfluencing the European Green Deal and industrial strategy: Leaders and laggards among small EU states
Towards the end of its six-month EU presidency, in late December 2019, Finland offered the same free gift to all EU member states it had already given to folk at home: a basic online course in…
Read Full articleHow to enter a 100 billion Euro market? – Industrial Energy Efficiency in Germany [WEBINAR EEIP & GTAI]
How to enter a 100 billion market? - webinar with EEIP & GTAI On Wednesday, the 12th of October 2016 , EEIP and GT&I (German Trade & Invest, agency of German ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy) are running 2 joint webinars to showcase business…
DetailsDemystifying Industrial Symbiosis: A Comprehensive Guide to Opportunity Identification
The following article is a summary of the report “Mechanisms for the identification of IS opportunities” delivered by the EU project CORALIS. And it is also a training article for the Enerwhizz ,…
Read Full articleWaste heat: recovering a valuable renewable resource
The new heat recovery platform, EMB3Rs , can help industries find the best ways to re-use the waste heat energy that would normally be released to our environment. Here’s how it matches heat sources…
Read Full articleWhat is cold local heat?
At first glance, it sounds strange when cold local heating is to take over the heat supply. Is that a contradiction? No, cold heat really does exist. It is a heat supply with relatively low…
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