17.02: Live briefing/PK on the results of the winter survey of the "Energy Efficiency Index of German Industry".
The 2020 winter survey of the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) shows a renewed increase in the importance of energy efficiency within German industry. The Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production has been surveying current and planned energy efficiency activities in German industry every six months since 2013. At this briefing event/press conference, the EEP will present the new results of the "Energy Efficiency Index of German Industry"
Participants can ask questions to the institute and the discussants via chat. Selected results, press release and the recording of the briefing can be viewed afterwards at www.eep.uni-stuttgart.de/
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17.02: Live briefing/PK on the results of the winter survey of the "Energy Efficiency Index of German Industry".
The 2020 winter survey of the Energy Efficiency Index (EEI) shows a renewed increase in the importance of energy efficiency within German industry. While it was already apparent in the summer that the Corona pandemic had no negative effect on the importance of energy efficiency, the positive trend continues in the 2020 winter survey. Even more - companies continue to strive for ambitious climate targets for 2030.
The Institute for Energy Efficiency in Production (EEP) at the University of Stuttgart has been surveying current and planned energy efficiency activities in German industry every six months since 2013, in collaboration with the German Energy Agency (dena), the Federation of German Industries (BDI), Fraunhofer IPA, TÜV Rheinland and several other partners.
At this briefing event/press conference, the EEP will present the new results of the "Energy Efficiency Index of German Industry" and discuss with the founding partners of the EEI how COVID-19 is influencing industry energy efficiency & climate plans, what these plans look like, where challenges need to be overcome, and what savings targets industry sets for 2030.
The preliminary agenda is as follows:
- Welcome - Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alexander Sauer (Institute Director EEP and Fraunhofer IPA).
- Presentation of the results - Christian Schneider & Stefan M. Büttner
- Discussion - with Steffen Joest (dena), Eberhard von Rottenburg (BDI), Bashkim Ljutfiji (TÜV Rheinland) and Prof. Alexander Sauer (EEP/Fraunhofer IPA)
Participants can ask questions to the institute and the discussants via chat.
Selected results, press release and the recording of the briefing can be viewed afterwards at www.eep.uni-stuttgart.de/eei.