EEIP - Strategical partnership with EUSEW2020
EEIP has been selected as a ‘strategical partner for EUSEW 2020’
2020 has been a mythical year for energy efficiency since the first EU announcement. EEIP commitment has since stretched beyond the ‘third pillar, energy efficiency’ and we are very excited to continue with our support at the highest EU policy level to the European Green Deal for the decade(s) to come. Please visit eusew.eu for more updates and details on the 15th edition of EUS EW coming on 23-25 June 2020. The 15th Edition of E USEW will be on
on 23-24 June 2020.
and is expected to be released on 23/25 June 2015. and will be available on EU green policy level at the EU green deal.com.uk.uk and will be published on 16th June 2015 and 16th edition on 27th June 2016. on 23/17/17th June 2017.
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EEIP - Strategical partnership with EUSEW2020
EU Sustainable Energy Week, the key annual event in the EU energy transition and sustainable energy calendar, has been the most consistent frontline activity for us at Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (EEIP) for nearly 10 years. Since the launch of EEIP at the European Commission’s Charlemagne Building, Sicco Mansholt room, on the 12 April 2011, we have participated at the EUSEWs since. Either as event organisers or as a partners/multipliers. Working as a part of collaborative partnership with DG Energy, EASME, event organisers, DecarbEurope and a widest range of industrial partners, EUSEW has became an inseparable part of the EEIP’s ‘DNA’.
We are glad to announce that EEIP has been selected as a ‘strategical partner’ for EUSEW2020. 2020 has been a mythical year for energy efficiency since the first inspiring EU announcement on the 20-20-20 Goals by Andris Piebalgs in 2009. EEIP commitment has since stretched beyond the ‘third pillar,’ energy efficiency and we are very excited to continue with our support at the highest EU policy level to the European Green Deal for the decade(s) to come.
Please visit eusew.eu for more updates and details on the 15th edition of EUSEW coming on 23-25 June 2020.