Energy efficiency works!

09 May 2016 by Dusan Jakovljevic


German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA; ger.) published the results of their work in 2015. In 2015 there has been investments related to energy efficiency funding in generic technologies. The Federal Office supported this by paying out 59,22 mil. euro. The final energy saving of these generic systems in 2015 is 494.000.000 kWh (494 GWh) per year. In turn these save 296.400 tons of CO2 or 6 mil square meters of forest (about 1.100 US football fields!). The challenge for us at wattline is to make energy efficiency happen for

It takes months of preparations and staying power during the process until the new technology is in place and the pay ou oft he federal office for economy arrives in the account oft he customer. Our role is the critical interface between theory and practice. It can only be successful if you stay focused like we do in our energy efficiency team. We spoke with Bernd Hesse.

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Energy efficiency works!

In their annual report the German Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA; ger.) published the results of their work in 2015. Known for the „Energiewende“, Germany works with the incentive principle to motivate German companys to invest in energy efficiency by supporting their replacement investments of generic technologies (Querschnittstechnologien) through promotions.

In 2015 there has been investments related to energy efficiency funding in generic technologies such as electrical motors and drives, industrial pumps, ventilation and air-conditioning systems, compressed air systems, systems for heat and waste heat recovery, LED technology (limited in 2015) of more than 250 mil. euro. The Federal Office supported this by paying out 59,22 mil. euro. The final energy saving of these generic systems in 2015 is 494.000.000 kWh (494 GWh) per year. In turn these save 296.400 tons of CO2 or 6 mil square meters of forest ( about 1.100 US football fields ). That's the outcome! But how we came to this? About what is needed to make energy efficiency work we spoke with Bernd Hesse, audited energy manager at wattline GmbH, one of the biggest energy service providers in Germany.

The numbers are remarkable, what is the contribution of wattline in this process?

B: The challenge for us at wattline is to make energy efficiency happen for real. It takes months of preparations and staying power during the process until the new technology is in place and the pay ou oft he federal office for economy arrives in the account oft he customer. Our role is the critical interface between theory and practice. It can only be successful if you stay focused like we do in our energy efficiency team.

So you have a special process you guide the customers through? Can you describe this system in short?

B: We do. The project management team developed the wattline EnergyEfficiencyConcept (EEK; ger.) in 2012 and 2013 and since then we supported already more than 850 companies that benefit from our circulation.

A circulation of seven steps is the framework of the EnergyEfficiencyConcept and our team leads the customer through it. We start with the contract, we help organize the funding of a independent certified energy consultant that creates a report the energy status quo, we do the analysis of the report, discuss the options with our customers, organize technology offers from the industry, help to get the funding for the technology and accompany our customer until the targeted analysis. To give an example 10% of all BAFA funded energy consultings in Germany in 2015 came through wattline.

 Thank you. It is good to be a part of the German Energiewende sucess. We initially met on Twitter and we share enthusiasm for the potential of social media for industrial energy efficiency. EEIP follows @Wattline_Effi on Twitter, you should too ... to get more updates about Energy Efficiency in Germany.

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