Energy Transition goes virtual - the ICP project

05 April 2018 by Jürgen Ritzek
Energy Transition goes virtual - the ICP project


Energy efficiency is the hottest energy-related topic. We will provide up to 50 "physical" participants with a mobileVR headset. The solution we have choosen works simultaniously via laptop, mobile and full VR. You can join the event from any place in the world by just using your PC or mobile. To register yourself (free) and join the VR world at the time of the event, please just contact If you want to meet up there for a chat prior to the Hannover Messe in this case, please drop me

ICP stands for Investor Confidence Project. It allows for project credentialing based on the application of so called "protocols", developed by industry experts across Europe. It also covers free training, certification and application support throughout the duration. CLICK HERE for more information about how to register for the event and use the VR

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Energy Transition goes virtual - the ICP project

VR event @ Hannover Messe 2018

Wednesday, 25th April, 16:00 - 16:45 at Digital Energy Pavilion, hall 12, D45
Contact: juergen.ritzek(at)


Energy Efficiency is boring

We cannot even count time how often we heard this in the last ten years. It is often perceievd as if it lacks buzz of renewables, even of energy storage or hydrogen.

Us working in energy efficiency know that this is not the case. The exciting mix of technologies, people motivation, innovation and environmental benefits, all make energy efficiency as the hottest energy-related topic. Since 2011, Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (EEIP), global industrial energy efficiency business and policy network, has been riding on a wave of innovating outreach via innovative engagement and social media, now we have employed virtual reality (VR) to push further the excitement of technologies and solutions.

Check out this 15sec video

Join with a free mobileVR headset

The solution we have choosen works simultaniously via laptop, mobile and full VR. The good thing is - nearly everybody has a mobile. The bad thing - not many have a mobileVR headset.
This is why we will provide up to 50 "physical" participants with a mobileVR headset. And the best thing - you can take them home afterwards!

That´s how it looks like




About the event - the ICP project

ICP stands for Investor Confidence Project. This European project unlocks capital for energy efficiency projects. It is doing so by standardizing how energy efficiency projects are developed, documented and measured delivering two benefits:

  1. makes projects "bankable"
  2. increases certainty that projected savings are materializing

ICP is not only supported by many stakeholders, the so called "ICP allies" but also by anInvestor network representing € 1,5 billion in energy efficiency project capital.
ICP works for industry, street lighting, district energy and buildings. It allows for project credentialing based on the application of so called "protocols", developed by industry experts across Europe.

Here you can find the core documents for ICP industry

Being funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, it also covers free training, certification and application support throughout the project duration.

Who should attend the mobileVR event

Well, you might want to attend being curious about how such an event looks like - and need a free mobileVR device :-). However, this ICP mobileVR event is most relevant for

  • ESCOs (Energy Service Companies) / project developers
  • Equipment producer (motors, pumps, compressors, ...)
  • External (funds, banks) and internal investors (CFO)
  • Companies with an interest to use VR for own communications (product presentations, trainings, customer engagement, ...)

How to attend - some technicalities...

Joining the event via a mobileVR headset is easy. But, and there is always a "but"... it requires 3 little steps to prepare:

  1. Registration in the VR environment - we do this for you
    We will pre-set-up guest accounts which you can use during Hannover Messe. We will even pre-dress-up your avatar (50% female, 50% male)
  2. Check your mobile + app - at our booth H12, D45 (Mo, Tue, Wed till noon)
    Your mobile should not be too old (2-3 years is usually fine) and it only works on Android so far. We have ready to use mobileVR headsets so we can quickly check if it works with your mobile. And it is necessary to download the VR app which we can do together.
  3. How to move and act inside VR - again at our booth H12, D45
    For the event, we are only using a two functionalities: move and click. We will show you at our booth how to do so. Effectively, there is only one button at the mobileVR headset, so it is not really complex

Contact to attend & more

In case you are interested to attend our VR event at the Hannover Messe, please just contact juergen.ritzek(at)

You cannot make it to the Hannover Messe but want to attend, too?
You can join the event from any place in the world by just using your PC or mobile. To do so, you would need to register yourself (free) and join the VR world at the time of the event. Attention: you can also enter the VR world at any time. Things might not look perfect until the Hannover Messe as we are preparing - and testing :-).

If you want we can also meet up there for a chat prior to the Hannover Messe. in this case, please drop me a mail for organising a meeting "insideVR" (juergen.ritzek(at)

More information about the ICP project

You can also find more information about the ICP project via various blogs or the ICP website


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