How Australia could supply Europe with green hydrogen

12 December 2022 by Jürgen Ritzek
How Australia could supply Europe with green hydrogen


Wind and solar power generated in Western Australias Midwest could be helping to power Europe by the end of the decade. A trilateral international study will consider how to fast track renewable hydrogen exports from Western Australias Midwest to the Netherlands and Germany. The energy would first be used to decarbonise Western Australia. Western Australias Midwest is working to establish 6,000 hectares at Oakajee, north of Geraldton, as one of the largest renewable hydrogen producing areas in the world. The plan has caught the attention of Europes largest importer of energy, the port of Rotterdam in the Netherlands.


Rotterdam says there is not enough space in the Dutch North Sea for wind turbines. There is a target of importing 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen by 2030 to replace fossil fuels across Europe. The Rotterdam port is often referred to as the fuel station of Europe, which is responsible for 13 per cent of all energy consumed by Europe.

Read original article ABC Midwest & Wheatbelt

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