How Twitter can drive energy transition policy advocacy in Europe

10 September 2016 by Dusan Jakovljevic
How Twitter can drive energy transition policy advocacy in Europe


Twitter community management usually splits between audience building (getting followers) and driving engagement (getting shares and likes)

This summer a revolution in using social media to energise energy efficiency and energy transition communications happened in Brussels. CoTweeting, exchanging ideas and information should become a best practice in Twitter for policy and advocacy. This joining-of-many into energy transition ‘force is the major leap forward for supporting, sharing best practices and advocacy of sustainable energy in the European Union’

If you are on Twitter and committed to energy transition in Europe, join us by sending a message or a Tweet using #Tw4

4SE hashtag. Click here for more information on how to get involved in the EU energy transition. For more information about how to join us on Twitter, visit or go to or email us at: www.tw4se/Twitter/Twitter.

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How Twitter can drive energy transition policy advocacy in Europe

Twitter community management usually splits between audience building (getting followers) and driving engagement (getting shares and likes). Here we are adding third level: Twitter collaboration - joining forces for collaborative actions for common goal in policy or advocacy.

Since 2010, Energy Efficiency in Industrial Processes (EEIP) has grown its social media outreach to over 100,000 subscribers, establishing EEIP as the global leader in communications on energy efficiency. This summer a revolution in using social media to energise energy efficiency and energy transition communications happened in Brussels. Coordinated by Vattel (one of the founding partners behind EEIP) and Leonardo Energy (European Copper Institute), a fully new method of using social media for energy transition kick-started on 18 July 2016 at CEN/CENELEC.

Collaboration is the foundation for effective use of social media. In order to support EU policies on energy efficiency, renewable energy and energy transition, an active community between associations and organisations committed for energy transition has been established. Twitter for Sustainable Energy (#Tw4SE) group started with interest and involvement of over 40 different sectors and advocacy groups. The first tasks included support and training on effective use of Twitter facilitated by Vattel. Current actions include building up glossary of preferred Twitter hashtags and terminology for the most important energy transition technologies, and establishment of collaborative communication tools.


A response to setting up #Tw4SE community is very encouraging. The initial engagement suggests that we have tapped into the unexpected potential for cross-EU Association collaboration in joint efforts to bring the energy transition to the forefront of the European energy policy. Collaborative use of social media is a step change. 'CoTweeting', exchanging ideas and information should become a best practice in Twitter for policy and advocacy. In developing social media communications strategies, collaboration should be embedded as a potential engine behind the audience building and engagement.

This joining-of-many into energy transition ‘force’ is the major leap forward for supporting, sharing best practices and advocacy of sustainable energy in the European Union. If you are on Twitter and committed to energy transition in Europe, join us by sending a message or a Tweet using #Tw4SE hashtag.


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