Industrial energy efficiency in Germany

12 October 2016 by Robert Compton
Industrial energy efficiency in Germany


Drivers and business opportunities in the German Energy Efficiency market. And how GTAI (German Trade and Invest) and EEIP can support your market entry (Highllights of Oct2016 webinar)

For the full recording and/or to receive presentations given by Juergen Ritzek, Business Director EEIP and Rob Compton, Manager Energy Efficiency, GTAI - please contact The GER EE market is expected to grow from €99bn to €176bn between 2013 and 2025 which equals an annual growth of 4,9% Cross-sector) components alone are expected to reach €99bn Betweeen 1995 (Index 100%) and 2015, Primary Energy Consumption decreased by 6,6% despite GDP growoth of 48,2%. This webinar is on 12th October 2016. and will be.

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Industrial energy efficiency in Germany

Drivers and business opportunities in the German Energy Efficiency market


...and how GTAI (German Trade & Invest) and EEIP can support your market entry (Highllights of Oct2016 webinar)

On 12th of October 2016, EEIP and GTAI jointly presented "Industrial Energy Efficiency in Germany - How to enter a 100 billion EUR market"
In case you could not attend, here are some highlights of the webinar.

For the full recording and/or to receive presentations given by Juergen Ritzek, Business Director EEIP and Rob Compton, Manager Energy Efficiency, GTAI - please contact juergen.ritzek(at)


The German Energy Efficiency market

  • The GER EE market is expected to grow from €99bn to €176bn between 2013 and 2025 which equals an annual growth of 4,9%
  • Cross-sector components alone are expected to reach €99bn
  • Betweeen 1995 (Index 100%) and 2015, Primary Energy Consumption decreased by 6,6% despite GDP growoth of 48,2%

Drivers for growing EE market

  1. Energy Prices in Germany: high and rising AND very high compared to EU average
  2. Policy & Regulations: 50.000+ energy audits required by Energy effiicency Directice and ambitious goals of German "Energiewende" (= energy transition)
  3. Generous incentives: federal funding reached €320mill in 2015 and growing, multiple programs such as for "cross-cuttting technologies in SMEs" or relaunched "waste heat program" by KfW

Resulting business opportunities

  • Industry: largest user of energy in Germany
  • Focus: Mechanical energy (39%) and heat: waste heat (22%), space heating (27%)
  • Planned investments: 1. Lighting, 2. compressed air, 3. process heat/cooling, ...
  • Top investing sectors: food, paper, automotive

Market Entry support

  • GTAI: project management, location consulting, tax/legal/financial advisory
  • EEIP: solution testing, partner search, sales & marketing support

You can find more details in the EEIP / GTAI presentation or the recording. Please also feel free to directly contact EEIP (juergen.ritzek(at) or GTAI (robert.compton(at)



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