6 Use Cases: Open Call for Innovative Grid Services

24 March 2021 by Adri Pap
6 Use Cases: Open Call for Innovative Grid Services


INTERRFACE publishes an Open Call for innovators with €60,000 awarded to each successful applicant. The call opens on 30 March 2021 and accepts applications until 30 June 2021. InterRFACE is a sister (or rather parent) project of OneNet - One Integrated Power Grid for Europe. It wants to address six use cases, in which the InterRFACE architecture should function seamlessly. To this end, the Open Call invites third parties to provide infrastructures and state-of-the-art technologies that can then be validated through the pilots of the project. For more information about the Inter

interRFACE, visit www.interrface.eu/ and the call opens in March 2021.  and the call goes to: www.interfers.com or go to: www.InterRFace.eu. and the project's call.cintechsolutions.org/ and go to www.

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6 Use Cases: Open Call for Innovative Grid Services

INTERRFACE, an H2020 project in the field of innovative grid services, publishes an Open Call for innovators with up to €60,000 awarded to each successful applicant.


A sister (or rather parent) project of OneNet - One Integrated Power Grid for Europe, INTERRFACE was established pursuing an innovative grid architecture that fully integrates the coordination between TSOs and DSOs. To enable this envisioned efficient and coordinated network management, however, the project wants to address six use cases, in which the INTERRFACE architecture should function seamlessly.


To this end, the Open Call invites third parties to provide infrastructures and state-of-the-art technologies that can then be validated through the pilots of the project.


The six use cases in which service providers are welcome to apply are:


  1. Utilization of existing ENTSO-E Transparency Platform Data
  2. Development of an application that will serve as a Data Provider for IEGSA
  3. Aggregators and Local Energy Communities Intelligence services for congestion management
  4. An advanced tech base to manage/operate a local energy community
  5. Flexibility Service Providers, including aggregators with demand response and distributed energy resources as a grid service providers
  6. Development of an open-access generic forecasting methodology for the determination congestion management requirements in power systems.


The call opens on 30 March 2021 and accepts applications until 30 June 2021.


For more information and to apply, visit:






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