Open Call Spain: Flexibility provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage network levels

14 January 2022 by Jürgen Ritzek
Open Call Spain: Flexibility provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage network levels


Spanish Market FSP - Open call till February 2022 for Flexibility Provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage levels. EU funded project OneNet is looking for up to 9 Third Parties to further evaluate and refine the results and implementation of the OneNet project. Successful applications can receive up to 60 000 euros funding. Call is open from 1st December 2021 until 1st February 2022. For more information, please check the 7-page expert presentation attached and/or contact us directly via the One Net project Open Call website.

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Open Call Spain: Flexibility provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage network levels

Spanish Market FSP


Open call till February 2022 for Flexibility Provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage network levels



Flexibility Service Providers that can offer different type of flexibility resources


An aggregator, or the owner or the representative of large-scale or small-scale assets with at least 100kW of capacity for flexibility


Connected to the distribution system at specific areas in Madrid and/or Murcia


To test new local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage levels - from preparation/ pre-qualification to market phase, monitoring/ activation and mesurement phase


The EU funded project OneNet is looking for up to 9 Third Parties to further evaluate and refine the results and implementation of the OneNet project by bringing new innovative services and products to OneNet energy ecosystem.

  • Successful applications can receive up to 60 000 euros funding
  • Innovative ideas are searched across seven topics-scenarios
  • The call is open from 1st December 2021 until 1st February 2022.

For more information, please check the 7-page expert presentation attached and/or contact us directly via the OneNet project Open Call website

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