SMEs and Start-ups: 60.000 EUR for new services for network operators and household consumers
Horizon 2020 project OneNet calls out for innovative services. The consortium is looking for new services that will contribute to the impact of OneNet project in the energy ecosystem. OneNet envisions a European electricity system that provides for the seamless near real time integration of all actors across countries, with a view to creating the conditions for a synergistic operation of market and network that optimizes the overall energy management while creating an open and fair market structure and maximizing the consumer capabilities to participate in it. The call is open to SMEs and Start-ups established in an EU member state or in an associated country. Each successful applicant will receive a maximum of 60 000 euros funding. The complete concept of One Net is proven in 4 cluster demos involving 15 European countries.
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SMEs and Start-ups: 60.000 EUR for new services for network operators and household consumers
Horizon 2020 project OneNet calls out for innovative services
The consortium is looking for new services that will contribute to the impact of OneNet project in the energy ecosystem
OneNet - One Network for Europe is one of the largest and most ambitious H2020 projects aiming at the integration of energy markets across Europe with a focus on the TSO - DSO - Consumer value chain. To accomplish this, the OneNet project is working on new standardized products and services, including a suitable market structure and reference architecture with a focus on flexibility, which will be evaluated in the four international demonstration clusters. In order to further evaluate and refine the results and implementation of the OneNet project, we announce the following Open Call for Third Parties.
- Successful applications can receive up to 60 000 euros funding
- Innovative ideas are searched across seven topics
- The call is open until the 1st of February 2022
OneNet is looking for SMEs and Start-ups that will introduce new services for the network operators and the household consumers by adopting the OneNet infrastructure and framework.
OneNet project aims at creating a seamless integration of all actors in the electricity network across countries, by proposing mechanisms for TSOs and DSOs to work in a coordinated manner to unlock and enable the establishment of new flexibility markets and mechanisms.
To accomplish this objective, OneNet is developing an open, decentralised, flexible, scalable, and interoperable architecture to transform the actual European electricity system, often country fragmented, into a pan-European one. This architecture will provide the necessary tools and mechanisms for allowing open, technological agnostic, adaptable platform interconnections, ranging from a country level to a European level context. Within this effort, the design of an open architecture, data exchange and interoperability mechanisms, cybersecurity guidelines, and sets of AI and big data tools are being seamless aggregated.
To enhance the current work of both real demonstration efforts and tools to elevate the OneNet overall framework, OneNet Open Call will distribute up to 550.000 euros among up to 9 Third Parties. The project consortium is looking for successful applications proposals under one of the following seven topics-scenarios.
- Deep power system analysis through GIS server application (Georeferenced power system modeling and analysis utilizing the geo-server) _ Greek Demo
- Active participation of an actual prosumer to the Cyprus demo and its coordination by the ABCM-D platform
- DSO-TSO interaction _ Portuguese Demo
- Flexibility Provider engagement to test local markets able to alleviate network congestions at medium and low voltage network levels _ Spanish Demo
- Flexibility resources to provide flexibility services to the Northern Demonstrator
- Advanced Data Quality Analysis of Data Exchange Platforms
- Third Party providing access to the Polish Balancing Market for prequalified Flexibility Service Providers
The call is open to SMEs and Start-ups established in an EU member state or in an associated country and possessing a validated Participant Identification Code (this code is provided for interested parties to participate in EU funding programmes and procurements). Each successful applicant will receive a maximum of 60 000 euros funding.
The call is open from 1st December 2021 until 1st February 2022.
For further information, please consult our websites:
The project “OneNet” (One Network for Europe) is funded through the EU’s eighth Framework Programme Horizon 2020 titled “TSO – DSO Consumer: Large-scale demonstrations of innovative grid services through demand response, storage and small-scale (RES) generation” and responds to the call “Building a low-carbon, climate-resilient future (LC)”. The consortium consists of over 70 members from 23 European countries, including transmission and distribution system operators, research institutes and universities, technology providers, market operators and ESCOs. OneNet envisions a European electricity system that provides for the seamless near real time integration of all actors across countries, with a view to create the conditions for a synergistic operation of market and network that optimizes the overall energy management while creating an open and fair market structure and maximizing the consumer capabilities to participate in it. The complete concept of OneNet is proven in 4 cluster demos involving 15 European countries. OneNet is a 36-month long project started in October 2020.