TOP 3 Articles in Energy Finance from the 2nd quarter of 2018

29 November 2018 by Cristina Florensa
TOP 3 Articles in Energy Finance from the 2nd quarter of 2018


The Investor Confidence Project Europe (ICPeurope) will be holding training for project developers. It will allow you not only to get access to the investor network but also crack a typical dilemma. Energy supply market requires long-term financial commitment which contrasts with the focus on short-term returns on investment. There are 22 million SMEs in the EU and they often lack capacity to systematically exploit energy savings. ICP can help to cut the Gordian knot - and that is what ICP can deliver to tackle one of the most complex challenges in the energy efficiency sector - how to make energy efficiency projects bank

To get financing transaction costs down and create trust amongst investors, use a standard process protocol developed jointly by industry experts and investors, visit www.investigativeconfidenceProject for more information about how you can visit: ICP.

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TOP 3 Articles in Energy Finance from the 2nd quarter of 2018

1 - The Gordian Knot

Is ICP the Alexander the Great of century XXI? And what has this to do with the Gordian Knot? They key point is that bold action was needed to cut the Gordian knot - and that is what ICP can deliver to tackle one of the most complex challenges in the energy efficiency sector - how to make energy efficiency projects bankable to increase the investment flow into this sector enabling re-financing of ESCOs and project developers and to increase trust on the client side.

See the full article here



2 - Next steps in financing energy efficiency improvements in Europe's industry  and energy supply

How to get financing for district energy and industrial energy efficiency projects? How to get financing transaction costs down and create trust amongst investors? Answer: by using a standard process protocol developed jointly by industry experts and investors. On September 11th, the Investor Confidence Project Europe (ICPeurope) will be holding training for project developers involved in industry and energy supply. This will allow you not only to get access to the investor network but also crack a typical dilemma: Energy supply market requires long-term financial commitment which contrasts with the focus on short-term returns on investment.

See the full article here


3 - You've got a friend

There are 22 million SMEs in the EU. Most of them have to fight in the marketplace and seldomly the capacity to systematically exploit energy savings. Often not only the basic measures are implemented. A key reason is they have to manage the triangle between themself, the project developer and financing. So they need a friend. In other words help. And here is where ICP can help. 

See the full article here.



Next TOP 3 articles coming soon, stay tunned!


Do not forget... Best ideas for energy efficiency and energy transition...
















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