US: Energy efficiency gets a boost under Obama

10 January 2016 by Dusan Jakovljevic


The Obama administration has created nearly 50 rules amd regulations that will deliver the biggest energy savings of any president in history. Last month, a regulation drives shrinking the energy used by commercial rooftop air conditioners and furnaces. The new standard will translate into $167 billion in saved costs for businesses over the life of the standard, as well as 885 million tons fewer carbon dioxide emissions. This will in turn stimulate the economy, create jobs, and bring us closer to the finish line of the presidents climate goals for appliance standards. Click here for more from the White House on the energy efficiency market. Back to MailBack to the page you came from. You also came from the U.S. on the air conditioner market. You can find out more at the bottom of the story here: The American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy. The White House: Read the full transcript of this article. For more from The Daily Mail Online home to the Daily Discussion.

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US: Energy efficiency gets a boost under Obama


Good news for energy efficiency market continues.

Since 2009, Obama administration has created nearly 50 rules amd regulations that will deliver the biggest energy savings of any president in history, eliminating demand in 2030 equal to the electricity produced by 96 power plants. Many of these initiatives are relevant for businesses and industry.

Last month, a regulation drives shrinking the energy used by commercial rooftop air conditioners and furnaces, an effort the U.S. government projects that are calculated to save 1.7 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity over 30 years. More than any other initative since efficiency laws were enacted in 1975. Making these devices more efficient under the new standard will, according to the Department of Energy, translate into $167 billion in saved costs for businesses over the life of the standard, as well as 885 million tons fewer carbon dioxide emissions.

According to Steve Nadel, Executive Director of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE), “These standards are a game-changer for the commercial sector. [...] These new standards will bring down the cost of doing business and improve bottom lines by letting companies invest money they used to spend on heating and cooling. This will in turn stimulate the economy, create jobs, and bring us closer to the finish line of the president’s climate goals for appliance standards.”


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