27 September 2016 by Jürgen Ritzek


USA industrial energy efficiency is vital to the U.S. economy, but at the same time consumes the most energy in the country to manufacture products. Next to areas such as steam or process heating, motor-driven equipment is a key energy user. Pumps account for more than 10% of the worlds electricity consumption. EEIP and PMS partnership for industry is twofold; one, to share information and two, to extend client marketing reach for products/services that add value to the world by using less power. The solution effectively delivers a full year global marketing campaign in just 15min of a companys

time, at a price 10 times below market average. At EEIP we are very happy to start our partnership with Pump Marketing Solutions. (

Pump Marketing Solutions President, Keith Gagnier says: ‘Pumps accounts for the German energy efficiency award 2016,’

at a price ten times less than market average.

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USA industrial energy efficiency

“The industrial sector is vital to the U.S. economy, but at the same time consumes the most energy in the country to manufacture products…”. This is how the US Office of Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy starts their section “Industrial Energy Efficiency Basics”. (

Next to areas such as steam or process heating, motor-driven equipment is a key energy user. Motors are basically used everywhere, examples are compressed air, fans and pumps. According to the Grundfos initiative “Meet The Energy Challenge – NOW”, pumps alone account for10 % of the world´s electricity consumption.  (

The challenge

Today, potential clients searching for energy efficient solutions are using more and more online and social media channels to find relevant information. And relevant information is not a salesfolder or a technical product sheet. Clients are looking for available solutions - or even better - applied solutions including underlying business cases. 

For many suppliers this is a real challenge.

Online and social media marketing have become a key tool for many companies already. But a closer look shows that this are most often the few big players with big marketing departments and budgets. What about the many SMEs in the market, the specialist often very good in engineering and with deep expertise in specific sectors. How could this companies raise their voice and visibility online?

Benefits of EEIP and PMS partnership for industry

Currently, the SME company websites are most often the only source for information for potential clients. Well, next to the usual expensive trade fair.

But as good as many SMEs are in terms of engineering capabilities, this is most often combined with lack of resources and time for marketing. And here is where our new partner PUMP MARKETING SOLUTIONS starts. Based on own deep experience in the pumps business, they help SMEs to maximise their company website potential.

And through our new partnership, PMS can now also offering SMEs to participate and benefit from EEIP, the globally biggest industry network for energy efficient products and services.

Or as PMSLLC’s President, Keith Gagnier, says. “Pumps account for more than 10% of the world’s electricity consumption. Partnering with EEIP offers our markets an endless resource of information on efficiency improvements. Our joint effort is twofold; one, to share information and two, to extend client marketing reach for products/services that add value to the world by using less power”. What Keith is referring to is EEIP´s tailored solution for SMEs to reach out to 1000´s and 1000´s of potential clients. Nominated for the German energy efficiency award 2016, this solution effectively delivers a full year global marketing campaign in just 15min of a company’s time, at a price 10 times below market average. At EEIP we are very happy to start our partnership with Pump Marketing Solutions. (



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