Policy & Regulation

TOP 3 articles in Energy Efficiency fom the 2nd quarter of 2018

This is the question to understand why organizations do not engage a holistic energy efficiency approach with longer term strategies. Costs could be minimized, also carbon emissions might be reduced and the exposure to volatile markets better controlled. You have time until the 30th of September to participate and have the chance to consider how companies can accelerate the energy transition, make investment decisions and derive strategies for your business, with the information provided by the end of the fourth quarter from all the participantss contribution. Dr Steven Fawkes: How much has the mindset on energy management changed from 20th to 21st century? Sign up for our monthly monthly newsletter and stay connected to the best ideas in Energy Efficiency Finance, Energy Management, GreenHeat, IoT, Blockchain, Smart Grids, Green Buildings and Energy Policy,ÂÂÂ.Â. Click here to read the next TOP 3 articles coming soon, visit Next TOP 3 article on Next TOP3.com and follow the latest TOP 3.

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Interview to Rod Janssen - "We can't oversell energy efficiency"
Policy & Regulation

Interview to Rod Janssen - "We can't oversell energy efficiency"

Energy efficiency used to be the poor cousin of renewable energy. Unlike for renewables, targets for efficiency were not binding. Today, more policy-makers claim that energy efficiency must come first. The European Parliament has taken a much more ambitious approach to Energy.

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Q&A: Why cement emissions matter for climate change
Policy & Regulation

Q&A: Why cement emissions matter for climate change

If the cement industry were a country, it would be the third largest emitter in the world. In 2015, it generated around 2.8bn tonnes of CO2, equivalent to 8% of the global total. This is a greater share than.

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Climate change might double the cost of a beer
Policy & Regulation

Climate change might double the cost of a beer

Scientists expect that extreme droughts and heat waves will become more frequent and intense in the regions that grow the grain. Many farmers are already adapting to the slowly warming planet. Budweiser is investing in new breeds of drought-resistant barley strains.

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Houston, we have a problem...
Policy & Regulation

Houston, we have a problem...

The recent IPCC special report should be the game changer, says Rod Janssen. The energy efficiency community has much to do to convince the wider public why energy efficiency first has to be taken much, much more seriously. This is the perfect time.

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Ireland’s new Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS) design
Policy & Regulation

Ireland’s new Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS) design

The Government of the Republic of Ireland approved the design of the new Renewable Electricity Support Scheme (RESS) The new RESS will consist of a series of regular auctions scheduled at frequent intervals. The aim of the RESS design is to have technology.

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It's time to act
Policy & Regulation

It's time to act

Jean Monnet was one of the founding fathers of the European Union. He says we are now in much better shape to take effective action - if there is the will and commitment to do so. There are more technologies available to help you reduce your energy.

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The EIP-SCC Matchmaking initiative as a tool to accelerate investments in the Smart City Panorama
Policy & Regulation

The EIP-SCC Matchmaking initiative as a tool to accelerate investments in the Smart City Panorama

The European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) launched an onsite matchmaking programme. Matchmaking aims at giving participants a chance to create long-term relationships that can ultimately lead to actual financial support to the project.

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De-risking energy efficiency projects: a market opportunity for project developers
Policy & Regulation

De-risking energy efficiency projects: a market opportunity for project developers

De-risk your project and access finance by joining the ICP Project Development Network. Participate in the free training on 20th November for Industry and Energy Supply and on the 22nd November for Street Lighting. The Investor Confidence Project Europe unlocks access.

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ICP – the way financial institutions can make fighting climate change a business case
Policy & Regulation

ICP – the way financial institutions can make fighting climate change a business case

This was a climate summit and, all too often, energy efficiency is too quickly passed over. We know there is a serious underinvestment in energy efficiency. Many energy efficiency measures are not undertaken because of a lack of standardisation - of the process.

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