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Energy Policy Analyst - Avatar

If a GPT named "EU Energy Policy Analyst" were personified as a human, she would be a highly knowledgeable and sophisticated individual, deeply immersed in the intricacies of European energy policies. She would be in her mid-30s, with a sharp,…

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Sabine Alexandre-Klein

Sabine Alexandre-Klein works as a Project Manager and Science Communicator at the European Science Communication Institute (ESCI). She holds a Diploma in Roman and German Literature and worked for many years as a Press Officer in the Renewable…

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Ainara Alonso

Ainara Alonso is the Communication Manager at the Low Carbon & Circular Economy Business Action (LCBA) in Latin-America. The LCBA Latam is an EU-funded Doing-Business platform aimed at developing B2B relations between EU providers and companies based…

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Rebecca Anastagi

Rebecca holds a Master's Degree in Environmental Policy and Regulation from the LSE. She's a policy adviser at the UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. Any views/opinions expressed by the author do not reflect the position of…

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John Armstrong

John Armstrong is an engineer whose career has spanned the extremes of the energy industry. He began his career constructing oil refineries before moving to work across fossil and renewable electricity generation. John has lead the growth of…

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Niels Bakker

Niels Bakker is the decentralized marketplace lead with Tymlez. After validating the business concept of peer-to-peer energy trading on Blockchain, he helped set up a working demo of this concept. Niels holds a Masters Degree in Information Science…

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Corinna Barnstedt

Corinna Barnstedt works as a Project Manager and Science Communicator at the European Science Communication Institute (ESCI). She holds a Diploma in Geography and completed a Journalistic Traineeship at Jahreszeiten Verlag Hamburg. She has been…

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Rebecca Bertram

Rebecca Bertram works as a freelancer and consultant on energy and climate issues in Honduras. She used to work for the Heinrich Böll Foundation both as the Director for the Energy and Environment program in the Washington D.C. office and as the…

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Ritu Bharadwaj

Ritu Bharadwaj has about 14 years of extensive experience in the field of energy, environment and climate change. She started her career with the Government of India and for over nine years, led large portfolio of programmes, where she provided…

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Giorgio Bonvicini

Giorgio Bonvicini is a certified EGE (Italian “Expert in Energy Management”) and Senior Engineer at RINA. He carried out so far ~100 energy/GHG audits at industrial and tertiary companies and is contributing to EU research projects on sustainable…

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