Corinna Barnstedt


Corinna Barnstedt works as a Project Manager and Science Communicator at the European Science Communication Institute (ESCI). She holds a Diploma in Geography and completed a Journalistic Traineeship at Jahreszeiten Verlag Hamburg. She has been writing for the science sections of several newspapers and started working in EU project communication and management in 2009.

List of articles

Innovative system recovers heat, water and material from industrial waste streams Aug 2024
The Mechanics of Ceramics: How the Industry Can Decarbonize May 2024
An Uber for heat: How a new platform can help industries reuse excess heat and meet decarbonisation goals Mar 2024
Water & energy reuse: from waste to resource Oct 2023
‘Uber’-like platform to match heat supply and demand released Jun 2023
Video relased: A platform to calculate energy recovery options May 2023
District heating: balancing green energy with end-user needs May 2023
Waste heat: recovering a valuable renewable resource Apr 2023
Creating a long-lasting platform to map the future of energy Nov 2022
The Alliance4ECEI hosts the Digital tools as enablers of more efficient energy consumption in industrial waste heat/cold recovery webinar, as part of the Sustainable Energy Days Sep 2022
Recovering waste heat for a greener Portugal Jul 2022
Small systems, big benefits Jun 2022
EMB3Rs code and modules released at GitHub May 2022
How waste heat recovery will change the landscapes Apr 2022
The transformation of energy intensive industries Mar 2022
Cleaning up “dirty” ceramic tile production Feb 2022
Recycled factory heat benefits industries and the environment Dec 2021
Summertime is installation time Aug 2021
5 energy sources you have never thought of Jul 2021
On the road to making ceramic production greener Jul 2021
Mapping energy use for a fossil fuel-free Europe Jun 2021
HPHE and greener furnaces: a combo that can make emissions plunge in the aluminium industry Jun 2021
How data can increase the re-use of waste energy Jun 2021
How reusing waste heat can take aluminium one step closer to becoming a greener industry May 2021
Four young scientists talk about the future of waste heat recovery Apr 2021
Finding new players in an old market: the energy potential of a Swedish case study Apr 2021