Business Practices

Energy Efficiency Award - deadline 25 June

04 June 2021 by Jürgen Ritzek
Energy Efficiency Award - deadline 25 June


The German Energy Efficiency Award is endowed with prize money totalling 30,000 euros. Companies from any industry in Germany or abroad can apply online at energy The 18 nominees, which will be selected by a jury of experts in September, will receive an EEA label for use in their public relations work. The winners will be chosen at this years dena Energiewende-Kongress in November. The jury evaluates all competition entries according to uniform standards based on the criteria of energy saving, relevance to climate protection, cost-effectiveness, degree of innovation

of innovation and transferability. It then nominates the winners. This year, small and medium-sized companies will be honoured with two separate awards. For a long-term perspective, the nominees will be announced in September. and will receive a certificate for use. for use in public relations works. The jury will be published in November.

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Energy Efficiency Award - deadline 25 June

The Energy Efficiency Award: an international competition


Visionary entrepreneurs and pragmatic technicians are the focus of the Energy Efficiency Award. Since 2007, the German Energy Agency (dena) has presented the prestigious award to private and public companies that have achieved outstanding achievements in increasing energy efficiency. The internationally announced award is endowed with prize money totalling 30,000 euros and is supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi). Premium partner is KfW.


Companies apply for the award by submitting a competition entry to dena. As a rule, four competition categories are available for selection: three for completed energy efficiency projects with measurable results and one category for new, innovative concepts. The jury evaluates all competition entries according to uniform standards based on the criteria of energy saving, relevance to climate protection, cost-effectiveness, degree of innovation and transferability. It then nominates the winners.


Think Big! Complex energy transition projects.

For a long time, companies have been implementing multi-layered energy efficiency projects where a large number of measures have to be coordinated with one another. Here systematic thinking and integrated solutions are being sought. Apply in this category if you have realised energy efficiency in interaction with renewable energies, alternative mobility solutions or energy transition technologies such as hydrogen, energy storage, waste heat utilisation etc.


From clever to digital: The broad spectrum of energy efficiency

In this category, low-investment measures are being sought just as much as mature technologies, or digitally supported optimisation using software solutions or artificial intelligence.

If you are successful with low-investment measures, if you rely on classic measures such as energy optimization of lighting or other sophisticated technologies or on data-based optimization via software solutions, digital sensors and controls, apply in this category. We would like to show the whole range of possibilities in implementation!


Achieving more together Energy Services as enabler of the energy transition

The involvement of service providers is particularly useful where ambitious ideas meet limited funds, resources or lack of expertise. Because external service providers can provide solutions tailored to the needs of the customer. This ranges from the conception and planning of a plant, through its realisation, to financing, operational management and maintenance. Apply in this category if you are a service provider who has successfully implemented an energy efficiency project or energy transition project in another company. Applications are also welcome from companies that have implemented their project by involving third parties and cooperating with energy service providers.


Concepts for a climate-neutral future

The energy transition needs innovative ideas. Companies that pursue new approaches to reduce their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, or conceive the energy transition in cross-sectoral and cross-system terms (or in integrated, holistic terms), can submit their concepts for the Energy Efficiency Audience Award. The concept should demonstrate conclusively which concrete measures should be used to increase energy efficiency and/or reduce emissions in industry, as well as impress the jury by their innovation and market maturity.


Who can participate?

Companies of any size and from any industry in Germany or abroad can apply online at This year, small and medium-sized companies will be honoured with two separate awards.


The 18 nominees, which will be selected by a jury of experts in September, will receive an EEA label for use in their public relations work. The winners will be chosen at this year’s dena Energiewende-Kongress in November.


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