Business Practices

Energy Efficiency

John Deere - variable peak load compressor

The John Deere factory in Mannheim, Germany, runs turbo compressors. If you want flexibility, you have to run them idle from time to time. But that is not energy-efficient, says Helmut Rembert, Senior Facilities Engineer.

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John Deere - variable peak load compressor

Energy Efficiency Buildings & Transport

Dimaro wastewater plant - magnetic screw compressor

ROBOX energy helps a regional wastewater treatment plant achieve maximum effciency and excellent energy savings. The Dimaro plant presents an unusual challenge. While all other treatment plants in the area feature canonical 4.5m-deep oxidation tanks, the Dimaro.

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Dimaro wastewater plant - magnetic screw compressor

Energy Efficiency Circular Economy

Bakery UK - production air with heat recovery

CompAir is on target to achieve annual energy savings in the region of £188,000. A payback on investment in less than two years is expected. CompAir installed fixed-speed L110s and regulated-speed compressor three months ago.

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Bakery UK - production air with heat recovery

Energy Efficiency Digitalisation

Plastics: Motan - speed controlled vacuum generators

motan’s METRO G and GRAVICOLOR product lines offer a prime example of how process flow digitalization is improving material flow and productivity across the plastics industry. Flexible, intelligent conveying systems with speed-controlled vacuum.

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Plastics: Motan - speed controlled vacuum generators

Energy Efficiency

GKD - Gebr Kufferath AG - compressed air from the roof

GKD is the world’s leading technical weaver. A compressor station on the factory roof was an innovative solution to the growing demand in production for compressed air. Kufferath AG range from microfilters for inkjet printers to automotive.

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GKD - Gebr Kufferath AG - compressed air from the roof

Energy Efficiency

Beverages: Frueh Koelsch - oil free compressed air

The brewery always record the compressed air energy consumption and the volume flow generated. This gives us a precise overview of the. compressional air costs and enables us to carry out targeted optimisation measures. brewery’s decision to improve its compressed.

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Beverages: Frueh Koelsch - oil free compressed air

Energy Efficiency Buildings & Transport

Compressor for Alto Trevigiano Servizi wastewater plant

Prosecco wine is produced in the area where the winery is at its busiest. There is a considerable increase in the organic burden entering the plant. To manage both the seasonal surges and the daily variations, it is vital to use equipment that.

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Compressor for Alto Trevigiano Servizi wastewater plant

Energy Efficiency Renewable Energy

Beverages: Gropper - oil free piston compressor for bottling

The new plant was built from scratch. Staff were able to fully exploit the potential of modern factory planning. Berthold Burgmeier, Head of Technology: efficiency, flexibility and economical energy consumption are important to us. For this reason, both .

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Beverages: Gropper - oil free piston compressor for bottling

Borbet - energieeffiziente Drucklufterzeugung Leichtmetallräder Produktion

Referenzbeispiel Druckluftstation bei Borbet zur Versorgung des gesamten Werks inklusive der Lackiererei. Hierbei wurde eigens eine speziel.

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Borbet - energieeffiziente Drucklufterzeugung Leichtmetallräder Produktion

Getränke: Gropper - effizienter Kolbenkompressor für Direktsaftabfüllung

Referenzbeispiel zur Planung und Inbetriebnahme einer energieeffizienten und flexiblen Kompressor Station. Da das neue Werk auf der sprichwörtlichen.

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Getränke: Gropper - effizienter Kolbenkompressor für Direktsaftabfüllung