Business Practices

Policy & Regulation Finance & Economics

The ICP VR event at Hannover Messe 2018

EEIP, a global energy industrial network, perfectly fitted in the role of the discoverer of the link among innovative technologies. Investors, businesses, IT specialists and engineers approached, in a virtual light. They showed interest in the theme energy finance.

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The ICP VR event at Hannover Messe 2018

Buildings & Transport

FAQ 4: What ICP can do for project developers? (ENG)

This covers information about the underlying process, the protocols, benefits for industry and project developers. We also cover understanding of the quality assurance and the technical assistance the ICP team can offer. Here you can find answers to questions we have received from all over.

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FAQ 4: What ICP can do for project developers? (ENG)

Buildings & Transport

FAQ 5: Understanding quality assurance (ENG)

This covers information about the underlying process, the protocols, benefits for industry and project developers. We also cover understanding of the quality assurance and the technical assistance the ICP team can offer. Here you can find answers to questions we have received from all over.

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FAQ 5: Understanding quality assurance (ENG)

Renewable Energy Digitalisation

Translating SAP Add-Ons

Energy efficiency is not only about technology. From time to time we are highlighting related services of relevance. This article includes a short paper about SAP add-ons. If this is of potential relevance for you, check this 2pg paper from textand.

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Translating SAP Add-Ons

Renewable Energy

Technical translation

A German technical dictionary offers six different translations, each one with a slightly different meaning. This is understandable since obstruct also has different connotations in English. Coherent and correct use of language from marketing to technical aspects shows professionalism and adds to trust building in.

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Technical translation

Renewable Energy

How many languages does your software speak?

In this 2pg paper textandform briefly describe their flexible and fast localization process. The 2pg is a 3D paper text andform. It describes how the software can be used to market its energy efficiency solutions internationally. In the 2pg.

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How many languages does your software speak?

SAP Add-ons übersetzen

Energie ist diese kurze Darstellung über SAP Add-ons und Übersetzung von user interfaces. Wenn das für ihr Unternehmen relevant sein könnte,.

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SAP Add-ons übersetzen

Technische Übersetzung

Inkorrekte Übersetzungen erscheinen unprofessionell. Textandform beschreibt in einem kurzen Dokument ihren Ansatz als technisch versierter Ansatz.

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Technische Übersetzung

Wieviele Sprachen spricht ihre Software?

Energieeffizienz umfasst nicht nur Technologie. Software ist inzwischen überall, als Bestandteil der Lösung, z.B. bei der Autom.

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Wieviele Sprachen spricht ihre Software?

Renewable Energy

Are you going global with SAP?

Quick overview how text & form can support your global SAP roll-out with the help of SAP certified translation consultants in a cost-effective way.

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Are you going global with SAP?