2019 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Industry (ACEEE)

Date 11 - 14 August 2019
Details Full Day
Location Portion, Oregan, USA

Industrial Summer Study Overview

We believe industrial efficiency plays an integral role in building a sustainable future. The key: empowered people. By laying a solid foundation with smart policies and addressing challenges with new processes and designs, we can enable and inspire them to take action that will accelerate our journey.

  • Inspirational Future - Enabling action to inspire the future
  • People - Empowering people to envision the future
  • Policy - Establishing policy to launch the future
  • Process - Enhancing processes to power the future

This conference will give you the chance to hear from visionaries and energy leaders, and the opportunity to discuss best practices and new approaches. We know that getting to a sustainable future takes commitment and a coordinated approach.  

Likely participants

Energy efficiency program administrators, evaluators, and contractors; public utility commission and consumer counselor staff members, corporate energy managers and government relations professionals; professionals in the utility sector with responsibilities for efficiency programs, resource planning, regulatory compliance and government relations; energy efficiency solution providers; state energy office officials; energy management firms; and energy efficiency advocacy organizations.

Click here to view a list of organizations that participated in 2017's Summer Study Industry conference.

More info here