Covenant of Mayors training on project financing
Date | 16 June 2019 |
Details | 13:00 - 19:00 |
Location | Brussels @ EU Sustainable Energy Week (side event) |
Invitation only
Together with Climate KIC, South Pole and the Investor Confidence Project, represented by EEIP Business Director Juergen Ritzek, this training session aims at providing assistance for local authorities interested in seeking financing for their sustainable local development projects.
The Covenant of Mayors Office is committed to providing guidance and advice to the Covenant of Mayors signatories on financing the development and implementation of their sustainable energy and climate action plan. This training session on project financing will bring together climate finance experts and local authorities, to exchange and discuss on the topic of innovative finance for climate mitigation and adaptation.
It mainly targets climate finance experts or municipal employees working on funding and financing and the project developers.
- The event offers parallel coaching sessions providing technical assistance towards financial readiness of projects related to climate adaptation and mitigation by experts from South Pole, Climate-KIC and the Investor Confidence Project.
- Covered topics: how to bundle projects, how to set up innovative finance schemes, how to ensure financial readiness and investor’s confidence.
Participants are expected to be ready to discuss the local challenges they face when seeking financing. The financial experts will give unbiased feedback on the projects presented.
More information
Registration form to be returned to anja.de-cunto(at)eumayors.eu