electronica - trade fair for Electronic Components, Systems and Applications

Date 07 - 10 November 2016
Details Full Day
Location Munic, Gerrmany

Meet EEIP @ electronica

EEIP is the biggest and fastest growing global industry network for energy efficient products and services (www.ee-ip.org)

Our German team will be there. For an appointment at the electronica fair, please contact
Flavio Steinbach, +49 (0)177 862.03.61 or
Simone Ciolek, +49 (0)163 297.10.82


About electronica

electronica is the leading international trade fair for the electronics industry. It is the industry‘s most important gathering: Planet e is where the future begins. It is where impetus for innovations takes shape quickly and reliably. The pioneering spirit on Planet e firmly bonds today with the world of tomorrow in a special way.

So join us and discover a universe full of possibilities for presenting your company to a unique audience of professionals.

Planet e—for a successful future.

  • Comprehensive range of products and services
  • From components to systems, applications and services: Everything here revolves around the world of electronics.
  • Global business platform: The high quality of the visitors on Planet e including decision-makers from Germany and abroad who are willing to invest ensures first-rate potential for new business.
  • Theme-oriented forums in the program of related events give you additional presentation opportunities.
  • Conferences with prominent speakers: electronica Automotive Conference, Embedded Platforms Conference, IT2Industry Conference and the Wireless Congress.