Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place

Date 17 - 18 January 2017
Location Brussels

The conference "Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place", organised by European Commission's Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME), is taking place in Brussels on 18-19 January 2017.  

The conference is the third in a series of successful events during the last years and will feature:

  • Plenary sessions by high-level political representatives on finance for sustainable energy;
  • Panel sessions by financial institutions on practical experiences and project bankability; and
  • Parallel sessions on practical solutions and projects implemented across Europe in four thematic tracks:
    • Standardisation and benchmarking;
    • Innovative financing solutions;
    • Aggregating projects on public assets;
    • Aggregating projects on private assets;
  • Poster sessions of sustainable energy projects with divers technical and financial structures; as well as
  • Stands of key actors, including financial institutions

More information on the event, including the agenda, is available here.  

You can register to the event here. For any questions, please email Any updates on the event will be published on the event website.