European Energy Efficiency Conference at the WSED

Date 26 - 28 February 2019
Location Stradhalle Wels, Pollheimerstrasse 1, 4600 Wels, Austria

Energy efficiency first: Clean. Competitive. Connected.

The Clean Energy Package is changing Europe’s energy markets. "Energy efficiency first" is at the core of Europe’s commitment to a clean energy transition. This requires strong policies, competitive businesses, technology innovation and investments. The European Energy Efficiency Conference addresses policies, innovation and business in specialised conferences and interactive events. It connects people from business, the public sector and research and empowers them to embrace the change.

Value for your time!

  • 5 dedicated conferences, including the Energy Efficiency Policy Conference, Industrial Energy Efficiency Conference and Smart E-Mobility Conference
  • technical site visits to innovative energy efficiency projects
  • a major trade show on building efficiency and renewable energy with more than 100,000 visitors and 1,600 exhibiting companies
  • new business opportunities and valuable networking possibilities: over 400 experts from more than 50 countries attend the event each year

Highlights of the European Energy Efficiency Conference 2019

  • What’s next for energy efficiency? Europe is entering a new era in energy efficiency. We present up-to-date information on how the "energy efficiency first" concept is being implemented and what it brings.
  • Energy Efficiency Lab – Tomorrow’s solutions: The energy transition offers many opportunities for new products and services. We present a variety of examples of the direction this can take. ·
  • Innovation for the energy transition in industry: The energy transition in industry is here! We show how it can succeed, what technologies and innovations are needed and which policies they support.
  • Financing and implementing energy efficiency in industry: Real-life examples show how investments in the industrial energy transition are possible and economically viable.
  • Towards e-mobility worldwide: E-mobility is on the rise worldwide. We offer insights into current developments and shed light on the economic impacts of these trends.

Highlight presentation

Rod Janssen, president of EEIP, will present how EEIP, a global network, supports industrial energy efficiency.

Where and when does it happen?

The event takes place from 28 February – 1 March 2019 in Wels, Upper Austria. The region of Upper Austria is an ideal location for this conference: Through significant increases in energy efficiency and renewable energy, greenhouse gas emissions from buildings have been reduced by 43 % in 10 years. Over 60 % of all space heating and 31 % of the primary energy in Upper Austria already come from renewables. 

Mark your calendar, register today ( and join us at the European Energy Efficiency Conference! Come take advantage of this comprehensive package wrapped in Austrian hospitality!


Registration & Information:

Conference website and the OÖ Energiesparverband, 
Landstrasse 45, A-4020 Linz, T: + 43-732-7720-14386, office(at)